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How to contact NFL Commissioner & Panthers stand up for Cam


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The integrity of the game seems to be suffering in your hands. Choosing to not to protect a Quarterback from excessive and deliberate hits to the head institutes a competitive advantage and the idea that one team is favored over another. The same can be said about SuperBowl 50 and Clete Blakeman's officiating in that game.

This behavior by officials in favor of certain teams is hard to overlook and falls into the realm of steering outcomes of NFL games.

In your eyes this should be illegal. If you support this in the NFL and professional wrestling, please notify all consumers, advertisers, and PSL holders because you appear to be complicit.

Please clean it up!
Thank you,

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Im not gonna bother writing to that fake nfl commish address, but i did write an email to the panthers one in hopes some intern shows it to someone of importance. I sincerely hope the next time we play the broncos all of our players hit their qb in the head every fuging play until he's out of the game. It won't be a penalty either bc we can just say our defense sucks too much to tackle him legally 

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