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Cam Newton GQ Article "It's not racism we're beyond that." regarding extra scrutiny because he's black.


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50 minutes ago, Pox 08 said:

Doesn't matter.  He's not drawing a hard line in the sand and committing to one side or the other.

You view him as uninformed..........I view him as just not wanting to participate in this racial poo going around all over our country. ..and just saying whatever,  to end that line of questioning being directed at him.        


Racism was a major topic the reporters were hounding him with during our SB Week.

Heres the thing though by not drawing any kind of line, to the people that look like him/people willing to speak on race in general (ands its already happened) he's committed to the "other side"  roughly speaking its the famous quote "indifference is taking the side of the oppressor" something figures like Michael Jordan got criticized his entire career for. it will to other black people feel like he's  a "sell out" by not using his platform to speak on issues we all know exist.

No one should be forced to speak, Not everyone has the ability to speak on race in a clear way but he did speak on it by saying its not a factor which plays right into that those super conservatives that think minorities like to the play the "race card" and we're living in a post racial society.   in trying to not take a side to many he essentially took a side and he's getting backlash for it


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2 hours ago, PhillyB said:

agree, but if you control for race and socio-economic bracket there's a much higher percentage of black people in those brackets. control for race alone and you still find structural bias. additional lesson: black people and poor white people alike come out on the back end of social structure, which is ironic given it's poor, uneducated whites who are always leading the charge against black people. divide and conquer worked on poor whites 150 years ago and it still does today

It is ironic that poor people tend to often be the most prejudiced against others. They also tend to be easier manipulated by others.  I find it sad that people take advantage of the poor and less educated for their own means.

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Guest Barry McCaulkinor
6 hours ago, Cookie Lyon said:

 I wonder who got in his head to make him do so.

The white man.

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26 minutes ago, scpanther22 said:

Heres the thing though by not drawing any kind of line, to the people that look like him/people willing to speak on race in general (ands its already happened) he's committed to the "other side"  roughly speaking its the famous quote "indifference is taking the side of the oppressor" something figures like Michael Jordan got criticized his entire career for. it will to other black people feel like he's  a "sell out" by not using his platform to speak on issues we all know exist.

No one should be forced to speak, Not everyone has the ability to speak on race in a clear way but he did speak on it by saying its not a factor which plays right into that those super conservatives that think minorities like to the play the "race card" and we're living in a post racial society.   in trying to not take a side to many he essentially took a side and he's getting backlash for it




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29 minutes ago, scpanther22 said:

Heres the thing though by not drawing any kind of line, to the people that look like him/people willing to speak on race in general (ands its already happened) he's committed to the "other side"  roughly speaking its the famous quote "indifference is taking the side of the oppressor" something figures like Michael Jordan got criticized his entire career for. it will to other black people feel like he's  a "sell out" by not using his platform to speak on issues we all know exist.

No one should be forced to speak, Not everyone has the ability to speak on race in a clear way but he did speak on it by saying its not a factor which plays right into that those super conservatives that think minorities like to the play the "race card" and we're living in a post racial society.   in trying to not take a side to many he essentially took a side and he's getting backlash for it



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6 hours ago, Cookie Lyon said:


He has completely backtracked from his previous statements on this matter. I wonder who got in his head to make him do so.

You hit a certain number in the bank account, and you become an honorary member of the illuminati. 

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31 minutes ago, scpanther22 said:

Heres the thing though by not drawing any kind of line, to the people that look like him/people willing to speak on race in general (ands its already happened) he's committed to the "other side"  roughly speaking its the famous quote "indifference is taking the side of the oppressor" something figures like Michael Jordan got criticized his entire career for. it will to other black people feel like he's  a "sell out" by not using his platform to speak on issues we all know exist.

No one should be forced to speak, Not everyone has the ability to speak on race in a clear way but he did speak on it by saying its not a factor which plays right into that those super conservatives that think minorities like to the play the "race card" and we're living in a post racial society.   in trying to not take a side to many he essentially took a side and he's getting backlash for it


Jordan was a bit different because of the shoes. Kids were clamoring and getting hurt over sneakers they couldn't afford. People felt like he was just profiting off of the community without adding to it in any way and that's a fair criticism IMO. 

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2 hours ago, fieryprophet said:

Socioeconomics definitely does play a huge role, and more of one as the legacy of "active" racism declines. However, socioeconomic status can be locked in due to actions that are "passively" racist, such as employers preferring to hire candidates with white-sounding names over black ones despite identical resumes. That means there is a social problem that is collectively disenfranchising certain races in ways that it does not others, and as such should be addressed (preferably in a fundamental way that solves the source of the problem rather than assigning blame.) People who want to say racism doesn't exist point to things like no more lynchings or integrated schools as if they are a hallmark as progress, when the reality is those things are the baseline for a non-barbaric society, not a post-racial utopia. It's only when the only factors that determine your future in this country are your personal merits and character that we can finally say that racism is a dead topic.

Unlike many of you who are much younger, I grew up in the 60s and 70s. What for many of you is political or racial history was my childhood. I saw racism at its core before the civil rights act. I was a teenager watching the riots in Chicago. Because I grew up in PA instead of NC, there wasn't the type of blatant segregation as there was down here. Still I grew up in a largely black neighborhood because we were poor and that is what we could afford rather than due to segregation.

I also went through the 80s and 90s where we tried to make up for the past ills by giving preferential treatment to minorities in an attempt to level the playing field. It had very.mixed results. Are we better off now than 50 years ago? Absolutely. Do we have a ways to go? Of course. But honestly I really feel that the solution isn't social engineering to help out one minority or the other but for those in positions of power in the minority community to serve as role models like Cam is doing advocating education and hard work instead of handouts and entitlements which appear to be helpful but actually do the opposite. Blaming your problems on racism fail to help you rise above when the system doesn't change and the problem still exists. If you think you can't make it  because the system is rigged you don't try. Now exactly where would Cam be if he accepted the notion that black quarterbacks can't be successful in the NFL because the system is rigged against him?

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I'm mixed on this Topic. I don't think Racism is as prevailant as it was 30 years ago. Does it exist, Yes. Is it as bad as people sat it is, I don't think so. I grew up in the Ghetto as a Poor White Single Mom Kid. I walked the sane streets as every other race that lived in our community. I was never treated any differently that the rest of my peers no matter the color. Going to bed without food, bed bugs, dirty clothes, drugs, these know no Color. I hate it when people say.. your white, you don't know, I tell then the fug I dont. I had the same opportunities as many other kids in the community, had nothing to do with my skin color. So.. when these socioeconomic fallicies say minorities don't have the same opportunities as poor whites, I call BS. I left the Ghetto, and never looked back, you just have to have will power. I get along with everybody no matter your background or race. I might be called ignorant because of my views, but I have lived it, breathed it, and ate it everyday Untill I was older. 

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20 minutes ago, Cookie Lyon said:

It's amazing that the same people that have been criticizing Cam since he was in college, are now praising him for his comments in his GQ interview. That lets you further know what he said was BS.

To be fair......people like myself,  are praising Cam for his GQ interview........but we also praise him no matter what.             Our love for Cam is great.

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4 hours ago, Cookie Lyon said:


Like I said in my first post on this matter, someone got to him to make him change his tune. It's truly ashame.

Probably someone within the organization like Richardson. I forget he basically told Cam he was to get no tattoos or get cornrows smh

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2 minutes ago, Kakarot said:

Probably someone within the organization like Richardson. I forget he basically told Cam he was to get no tattoos or get cornrows smh

I think it was probably his PR agent. Cam's interview reads like he didn't want to discuss race, but instead of saying "no comment", he put his foot in his mouth by saying something that's totally false.

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19 minutes ago, Cookie Lyon said:

I think it was probably his PR agent. Cam's interview reads like he didn't want to discuss race, but instead of saying "no comment", he put his foot in his mouth by saying something that's totally false.

Or maybe continually fighting the past ignores the future, and we can all make the future better 

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