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Cam Newton GQ Article "It's not racism we're beyond that." regarding extra scrutiny because he's black.


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3 minutes ago, Nick_81 said:

You're right, we're definitely not past it as a nation, and likely never will be.  

As far as him backtracking, I'm sure he still firmly believes in his previous statements.  Being one of the faces of the league, I'm sure he's been told how he needs to respond to questions like this.  

That's a personal decision that Cam seems to have made. I think it was Seattle's Bennett who called Cam out on stuff like this by name. Saying that as one of if not the most prominent black NFL player he "needs" to make a stand because his platform is so visible. However, that's a decision for Cam to make and no one else. If Cam wants to "speak up" about whatever issue he wants...and if he doesn't, that's his right too. Cam, and no one else, has that choice for himself.

He gets to decide if he wants to risk financially and personally whatever is valuable to him in order to make statements. I don't even know what he believes about all these issues inside so I don't know what kind of statement he'd actually make. But if judging by one of his mentors (Jim Brown) is any indication he might have some strong opinions...but that's speculation. Warren Moon (another mentor), seemed to be the type of guy who didn't say anything publicly but just went about his business. Don't want me to play QB in the NFL? Fine I'll go to the other football leagues and play QB there. Then you'll see. And he did. But I don't remember him being public about all of the crap he had to take from racist fans.

Either way, Cam can play the situation exactly how he feels comfortable doing it. He's under no moral responsibility to be the voice of anti-racism. Others can praise or criticize him as they see fit based on what THEY want him to do. That's fair too. But in the end, his only responsibility is to entertain me on Sundays...wait...er...ummm....win football games? Yeah. That's it. Win football games. The rest is up to him.

my 2 cents

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This is a diplomatic answer from which is good, but he knows what the deal is. He nailed it the first time with the "African-American quarterback" comment.

Two years ago when were eliminated in BofA a fan near me in the thickest of sterotypical southern accents goes "Cam's just a big ol idiot. Dumb as a bag of bolts. Athletic's all he is"  and I was just disgusted. It might not be obviously racist, but if you had heard the way it came out of his mouth it was clearly a special type of venom reserved for minorities.

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38 minutes ago, Cookie Lyon said:

I love you Cam, but I disagree. Some fans are racist towards him because he's black. Also, we are not beyond racism as a nation. 

He has completely backtracked from his previous statements on this matter. I wonder who got in his head to make him do so.

I don't think he backtracked, I think his comments got construed beyond his intentions. He said he was a black QB who acted differently but the emphasis was that he acted differently, not that he was black. He's generally always been averse to implying that his race played into his criticism.


That all being said, I don't actually agree that some criticism of Cam is not race-based, as there's wayyyyyyyyyy too many dog whistles and other BS to ignore. And there is no society on earth that is free from racism, that is just an aspect of human nature that pervades us. But I think the thing Cam is trying to get across is that racists can't hold him back anymore; he is unabashedly who he is and yet still is extremely successful in a position that used to be relegated to whites in a region of the country that historically shunned his race, and yet now he is a force for unity and joy that transcends all of those things and has not had to be someone he's not to achieve it.

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Of course we aren't past racism. Go anywhere in the world and you will find a racist. However I applaud Cam for saying something progressive instead of dwelling on the issues (and getting baited by a reporter).

Just choose not to affiliate with those who hate based on color (and don't watch the news) and all of a sudden the world will become a much more pleasant place to live.

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Definitely wrong when it comes to the racism doesn't exist part. But when I read it really just came off like cam didn't want to talk about it at all. He knows anything he says may become a distraction for the team because the media will make it so just like the black QB comment. I cant think of anything he has said that wasn't given legs to walk around everywhere. I definitely don't think Cam feels that way deep down. 

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I think Cam actually said how he feels about things just not directly. Just read between the lines. Specifically the bathroom bill, hoodies, ect. he just side steps because he already has a huge target on his back methinks. And the NFL is definitely different then the NBA.

the practice after Bennett's comments Cam shows up in all black attire in that heat. Coincidence?

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That's a personal decision that Cam seems to have made. I think it was Seattle's Bennett who called Cam out on stuff like this by name. Saying that as one of if not the most prominent black NFL player he "needs" to make a stand because his platform is so visible. However, that's a decision for Cam to make and no one else. If Cam wants to "speak up" about whatever issue he wants...and if he doesn't, that's his right too. Cam, and no one else, has that choice for himself.

He gets to decide if he wants to risk financially and personally whatever is valuable to him in order to make statements. I don't even know what he believes about all these issues inside so I don't know what kind of statement he'd actually make. But if judging by one of his mentors (Jim Brown) is any indication he might have some strong opinions...but that's speculation. Warren Moon (another mentor), seemed to be the type of guy who didn't say anything publicly but just went about his business. Don't want me to play QB in the NFL? Fine I'll go to the other football leagues and play QB there. Then you'll see. And he did. But I don't remember him being public about all of the crap he had to take from racist fans.

Either way, Cam can play the situation exactly how he feels comfortable doing it. He's under no moral responsibility to be the voice of anti-racism. Others can praise or criticize him as they see fit based on what THEY want him to do. That's fair too. But in the end, his only responsibility is to entertain me on Sundays...wait...er...ummm....win football games? Yeah. That's it. Win football games. The rest is up to him.

my 2 cents

Spot on. I am irritated that some think because he is black he has to pick a side based on the color of his skin. He is a smart, successful, and most importantly great man. Let him do what he loves to do and put his heart into that. I would rather see him bringing kids joy with his "sunday giveaway" because he loves doing that, than half-heartedly supporting a cause because others need him on their side.
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10 minutes ago, fieryprophet said:

I don't think he backtracked, I think his comments got construed beyond his intentions. He said he was a black QB who acted differently but the emphasis was that he acted differently, not that he was black. He's generally always been averse to implying that his race played into his criticism.


That all being said, I don't actually agree that some criticism of Cam is not race-based, as there's wayyyyyyyyyy too many dog whistles and other BS to ignore. And there is no society on earth that is free from racism, that is just an aspect of human nature that pervades us. But I think the thing Cam is trying to get across is that racists can't hold him back anymore; he is unabashedly who he is and yet still is extremely successful in a position that used to be relegated to whites in a region of the country that historically shunned his race, and yet now he is a force for unity and joy that transcends all of those things and has not had to be someone he's not to achieve it.

Cam has always said that people want him to act a certain way and they don't understand or accept his culture. I don't think he's ever taken a hard stance that racism is the sole culprit. 

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