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Cam Newton GQ Article "It's not racism we're beyond that." regarding extra scrutiny because he's black.


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the hilarity ensues. people need to realize theres more to life than this. People die, get murdered, and yet complain about the injustice in the world. it aint perfect. people need to review history and understand the concepts.

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13 hours ago, teeray said:

So even if there are some people in minority races that are racists, that does not mean "racism exists against everyone"

And study after study suggests there is still issues of systemic racism in the US.  Especially anti-black racism.

I personally go by the definition of racism as the hate of a person based on their Race/Skin color but to each their own, everybody has their own opinion. My major concern is that no matter what word you use, racism, discrimination, or prejudice, hate exists against against any race. How can we fix race relations in general when people are unwilling to admit that they are spreading hatred as well. Most people realize this but sadly a very vocal few of all races don't. I've seen black people that rightfully don't like to be called derogatory terms but have no problems calling a white person a cracker or other races derogatory terms. The same applies for other races as well, and to me that is part of the problem. Everybody has to do their part to stop racism and sadly we have too many that want to be hypocritical about it. Now that last statement isn't about anybody here just a world view in general.

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38 minutes ago, ichigo1057 said:

I personally go by the definition of racism as the hate of a person based on their Race/Skin color but to each their own, everybody has their own opinion. My major concern is that no matter what word you use, racism, discrimination, or prejudice, hate exists against against any race. How can we fix race relations in general when people are unwilling to admit that they are spreading hatred as well. Most people realize this but sadly a very vocal few of all races don't. I've seen black people that rightfully don't like to be called derogatory terms but have no problems calling a white person a cracker or other races derogatory terms. The same applies for other races as well, and to me that is part of the problem. Everybody has to do their part to stop racism and sadly we have too many that want to be hypocritical about it. Now that last statement isn't about anybody here just a world view in general.

If you just want to choose to go by that definition than you will continue to not understand what racism actually is.

And to me that is a bigger problem then worrying about someone calling a white person a "cracker" 

That doesn't mean that that isn't bad, but it misses the forest for the trees

See my post above that breaks it down more thoroughly than a dictionary can

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2 hours ago, teeray said:

If you just want choose to go by that definition than you will continue to not understand what racism actually is.

And that is a bigger problem then worrying about someone calling a white person a "cracker" 

See my post above that breaks it down more thoroughly than a dictionary can

I find fear to be a very powerful thing even more so than political power (which to be honest they use as well) and as such organizations that "represent" a race, the KKK, the New Black Panther Party, and other race related hate groups use the fear of death as their power. As such more than just whites can be racist to my opinion. As I said though to each their own when it comes to the definition.

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