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Cam Newton GQ Article "It's not racism we're beyond that." regarding extra scrutiny because he's black.


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6 minutes ago, Kakarot said:

I like Cam. Have defended him since he was first brought up on here, and will continue to do so. I will continue to be a fan, and tout him as my favorite player...but if the shoe fits...

At the very least, it was a sell out move. I guess good thing for Cam is, this will be all but forgotten about in a month or so. Right now, though, he hurt the feelings of many African Americans with his comments and will be criticized by many blacks and black media outlets. Black twitter has had a field day with this.

I'm curious as to what makes this a sell out move. Can you honestly think of any way that Cam could have answered this question that would have satisfied anyone? 

I can say this. The first high profile athlete that comes out in full force support of the Black Lives Matter movement in their rhetoric and actions is going to create a HUGE distraction for themselves inside their sport and out. I'm talking about more than just wearing a shirt. To me, part of what makes Jackie Robinson and Muhammad Ali such transcendent athletes is the fact that they did all they did on the field of play while suffering the ridiculous amount of backlash they created simply for being black, unapologetic and successful at a time when that wasn't supposed to happen for black people. Now, we're watching black athletes that are aware in this day and age that they're right on the cusp of creating a situation for themselves where they accrue the same amount of hate and needlessly complicate their lives and put their own goals and the goals of their teammates in jeopardy by indirectly making the story entirely their own. 

Most of America is not prepared to hear the truth about race relations in this country. Most of America would take umbrage to a black man telling the truth about his experience, especially one that is by all measures successful and rich. Cam continues to let his actions speak for him. He owes us nothing else. 

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1 hour ago, Darvinsun said:

People kill me with the Michael Jordan and what he can do about the violence bc of his shoes...I think is not his job to raise other people's kids.  People are going to do what they want to do it is their choice. What should he do make a speech what good would that do..It starts at home .Stop looking for someone else to step in and raise your own kids 

that has little to do with his shoes causing an issue.....of course it's not his job to raise someones kids but his shoes are the only on the market that people are getting killed and into to fights for, no other shoe on the market causes that type of issue.


and yeah it is his job to say something, it's his brand, his logo, and his likeness being used. he could simply release the shoes online and save lives that way.....the simple things.


do you think Cam Newton, Lebron James, Stephen Curry would say nothing if they were in the same situation?

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53 minutes ago, Kakarot said:

I like Cam. Have defended him since he was first brought up on here, and will continue to do so. I will continue to be a fan, and tout him as my favorite player...but if the shoe fits...

At the very least, it was a sell out move. I guess good thing for Cam is, this will be all but forgotten about in a month or so. Right now, though, he hurt the feelings of many African Americans with his comments and will be criticized by many blacks and black media outlets. Black twitter has had a field day with this.

I know what cam means to the black community.  You would have to be blind not to.  I just wonder what these people who are claiming he "sold out" would do if they were in his position.  

Cam isnt michael fuging bennett.


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Cam points out he's African American...


then says it's not about race.


confusing, but I'm glad he's beyond that, too bad the huddle isn't. Can is maturing.


Can has an attitude people don't like and any non idiot panther fan can understand that. Living in the southern bubble, especially when so many are natives, sadly it's also hard for some to see things in perspective. Racism while exists, does not have the impact sheltered minds believes it does.

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2 hours ago, Kakarot said:

I like Cam. Have defended him since he was first brought up on here, and will continue to do so. I will continue to be a fan, and tout him as my favorite player...but if the shoe fits...

At the very least, it was a sell out move. I guess good thing for Cam is, this will be all but forgotten about in a month or so. Right now, though, he hurt the feelings of many African Americans with his comments and will be criticized by many blacks and black media outlets. Black twitter has had a field day with this.

I agree with every thing you said except the "sell out" part. I'm not going to call Cam that because I truly believe someone got in his ear and said "Shut up and play football!" He's afraid to talk now. Just last month in an interview with The Undefeated he had this to say:


As an athlete, you have so much responsibility to use your influence in a positive way and to have your message be impactful. Those things are extremely important. To have LeBron, CP3, Carmelo and DWade to be the focal point and in some essence, to start a movement and be in front...is unbelievable. I'm totally on board if they call me. It's something many of us athletes are already committed to, where the cameras can't see off the scenes, people may not really know the details.


So, he went from that comment last month to the BS he said in the GQ interview this month. What changed for him to do that? It'll be interesting if we ever find out who got in his ear, but I highly doubt we will ever find out.

Also, Cam doesn't have to keep answering questions about race when he does interviews. We all know where he stands on that from his previous statements, but when he does interviews with a magazine, he should set guidelines on what topics are on and off limits. Especially since GQ came to him and not the other way around. Clearly he didn't want to touch on the race issue and tried to dodge the question, but ended up saying something totally ignorant that caused a firestorm. 

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*sigh* This is becoming all too freaking common on here now. Please either lock this or move it to tinderbox. This does not belong on the football forum.


Now on the subject, what did you really want Cam to say. If he brings his race into it then we get exactly like we saw at the Superbowl Press conferences and it will be a distraction. If he says its not because of racism he gets what has been exhibited here and on social media. People calling him a "Sell Out", an "Uncle Tom", or "Uncle Ruckus". Some people have said that he should have said nothing and avoided the question entirely but of course then he would have all sides against him. People saying he should have spoke out, people saying that he hasn't learned from the press conference, and other BS. I think Cam chose the route that would lead to the least distraction to the team and that is a good thing.


I personally believe that racism exists in all races. People always want to point at whites against everybody but other races are just as bad. I've seen many cases of Asians against black people, Black people against Spanish people, Spanish against white, and so on and so on. Racism is terrible no matter who commits it and the notion that one group can't be racist is atrocious.

3 hours ago, motocross_cat said:


Perfect video for this thread. A very powerful scene with a great message.

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I don't know...it an article featuring our franchise QB. GQ asked questions they wouldn't ask a lot of other QBs. The "we're beyond that" comment was about a black QB in the NFL not life in general. Anything else is people wanting more than it is. But as usaul people take from what they hear and read what they want. 

Just as fitting vid.....


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