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43 minutes ago, sharkkiller said:

They should have lined him up as an eligible receiver every damn play and left Dickson on the bench. He could have stayed on the right side and helped Remmers by at least making them have to run farther to get to Cam.

Yes yes

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We have a new FULL RETARD version of MARTY BALL,.....


SHULA BALL,... but only in the game of games.

SEASON AND PLAYOFFS-- give CAM the helm,.. run JUMBOs,...TIGHTEND screens and REVERSES,.... NO HUDDLE once we get the matchups we look for,... JET SWEEPS,... ROUTES WITH A LOT OF UNDERNEATH DUMP PASSES AVAILABLE.

SUPERBOWL,...... SHULA CHOOSES PLAY, gives cam some set audibles.  We dump screens except outside wideout screens, dump jumbo,.. try to surprise them by running Tolbert off tackle,.... no jet sweeps, no reverses, no stretch plays.

The offense looked slow, stiff, predictable. 

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1 hour ago, lightsout said:

I believe he came in for one jumbo package, and I'm mostly certain that was Stew's big first down run late. I seem to remember at least one, maybe two plays of heavily unbalanced line and olsen motioned over to the unbalanced side. Could be wrong, it's all a little hazy.

On the Shula front, Cam needs to learn to tune him out in big games when what we're doing isn't working. Be insubordinate, win the game, deal with Shula's tantrum after the game. It's better than losing because you're running iso and power every first down into a front that is expecting iso and power.

We need to run a no huddle attack. It would benefit this offense the most. It gives Cam a chance to wear defenses out and force them into making adjustments on the fly, which he can counter. Run out with two receivers and Greg, pick up a few first downs, make some quick subs, pick up some more, then slow it down in the redzone. Not saying for EVERY game, but we need to run it often, especially early in the first and third quarter. Get the defenses frustrated. And if Shula can ever learn that formation can create misdirection in itself, we'll be OK. There's a reason bootlegs work so well.

I agree with this. Im curious to hear details on how many audibles were in the gameplan and why so many laye snaps. A few no huddle here and thete would have been good.

The worst part is when something would go right we shot ourselves in the foot. 

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3 minutes ago, Mother Grabber said:

Shula bashers just couldn't wait to point and scream 'I told you so!' He shut your ass up for 17 games, orchestrated the #1 offense in the entire league, and you act like you're all high and mighty after 1.

you guys are no better than the fans of other teams coming on here to talk smack.

I suppose the big question is:  did Shula take away some of Cam's ability to change plays at the line of scrimmage and go off script if need be?  If he didn't then he deserves no blame in the offensive debacle we witnessed last night.  

If he did....oh boy, haters gonna hate.

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