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Bias Confirmed

Jeremy Igo

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I kind of think Hochuli might have been joking. 


Its something we say all the time. "Brady/manning/etc would have gotten that call"


would rather her not hear it from a ref, but not surprised at all. 

Cam seemed visibly upset and said he was, so I dont know if Ed was joking

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I don't know what it looked like on TV but we were going nuts about the calls. A fan across the aisle keep yelling for Ed to get off his knees because he was blowing the game big time. We had to have something to laugh about. before the game even started my son said Ed didn't like the Panthers for some reason and tried to screw us every time he refs one of our games. Seems he only gave us calls that were so obvious he had to call it our way. Otherwise it seemed every judgement call and ball placement was totally against us. We had to fricking challenge the spot to get a decent one. And before they get a kickoff touchdown we stop them inside the 10 and have another BS call give them another chance. Just about every drive they had for points was extended by some penalty against us.  

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Well yea more tact could have been used there but since signatures have been turned back on the site has crashed on every game day since.

I think it would be good to disable sigs on game days like you used to do, then just put them back on Monday.

Was happening with no sigs as well. It's just a fact of life. He shouldn't have to pay for more/better servers just because of 16 days out of 365. Sure it'd be nice... but it's easy and rude to complain about things that aren't coming out of your pocket. 

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fug these refs and the NFL. TD got pushed in the head. Teddy Williams gets in trouble because a guy continued to block him out of bounds. Two fug ups on spotting the ball. Not to mention bad spots all day. Missed holding call in Star to their last TD drive. Expansion team with a large black dinosaur looking QB. We always get screwed. This crew and the Cheffers crew make me not want to watch our games. The way they treat Cam takes the cake tho. 

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Not to mention all the non holding calls was absurd.

On a side not i have been watching nfl network for a hour trying to get a recap of our game, still waiting but they showed the falcons about 10 times...

Here's one thing that drives me crazy.

Everyone with any experience observing football knows holding happens ALL THE DAMN TIME.

When one team gets called and the other gets a pass?  That's not coincidence.  That's purpose.

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