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Benjamin visibly unhappy with the weight talk

Jeremy Igo

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Let him get upset, let him get over it, let him use it to get better at his job.

My mom used to tell me, "If you don't like what people are saying about you, do something about it."

Heck, guys a lot younger than Benjamin have had a lot worse said about them (and to them) by their coaches.

I think the coaches handled it correctly. Here's hoping it's a learning experience all around.

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My mom used to tell me, "If you don't like what people are saying about you, do something about it."

Heck, guys a lot younger than Benjamin have had a lot worse said about them (and to them) by their coaches.

I think the coaches handled it correctly. Here's hoping it's a learning experience all around.

​I would have put my helmet and jersey on, and gone and stood by Proehl and watched every singe route, throw, and coaching gesture.

You aren't a rook any longer, time to be a big boy.

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Ya know... I can't feel for the kid on this one.  His profession is to be a football player.  You have a certain time to report to said camps, and to be at those camps at the proportionate weight they require of you, aside from adding muscle. You have 4 months to prep for this?  Its your job, plain and simple.  This is his first off-season so hey, I can see he will get a break but it doesn't excuse coming unprepared.  

This.  He's a professional now.  No pouting and BS.  You're paid millions of dollars to play football and part of that job is showing up in shape and ready to go and the older he gets the harder it will be to shed those off season pounds.  I truly believe that a huge factor in Kris Jenkins' injuries and early decline was his weight.  He'd always blow up in the off season and work his way into playing shape through OTAs and training camp.  As the years went on, the off season pounds went up and became harder and harder to work off when it was time to get back to it.  As a professional athlete, your body is your career and you have a relatively short window. You should strive to stay in top shape all the time.  You'll maximize your performance, extend your career, and pad that bank account by doing so.

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Dont know how the 8 pounds ever got blames for hamstring issues.  Most times hamstring issues are a function of overcontracting or overstretching fatigued muscles.  Or it could be caused by improper muscle ratio between your hamstring and your quadriceps, weak hamstrings or improper footwear.  Seems to me that after coming off offseason workouts it shouldn't be a function of muscle weakness and likely was just a function of overuse or improper stretching.  But the 8 pounds are likely coincidental not causal.

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KB needs to be thankful he was not drafted into a market like NY.

He apparently can't handle this level of mild criticism.  The NY media would eat him alive.

He needs to grow up.

I'm sure Thomas Davis would love a little chat with him regarding his behavior.
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