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Attention slow curb huggers

Your Creeper Cabbie

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You heard me.

I drive 10 mph over the speed limit on the highway. If the highway is clear I generally stay right, or will move over and allow vehicles that are excessively speeding to pass.

However, I'm already doing 75 in a 65. If there is a lot of slow traffic in the right lane that I'm passing then no, I will not move over. I'm not moving over and getting stuck behind a car doing 60 or weaving in and out of traffic so some inpatient moron can fly by doing 90. Kiss my ass.

Truth hurts, huh?

Yes, y'all are all incorrect.

From the link you provided;

North Carolina< SL 20-146(b/e)

Keep right if below speed limit.

There is not a single traffic law in North Carolina that states the left lane is for faster moving traffic. There is also no law that says you must keep right and/or move right to allow vehicles to pass you. The only law in NC is that you must maintain the speed limit if you're in the left lane.

All that "passing lane" and "fast lane" BS people talk about is a myth and load of crap. It's not even a real thing.




Yes, leave the mic on the ground and go get your reading glasses.



(a) Upon all highways of sufficient width a vehicle shall be driven upon the right half of the highway except as follows:

(1) When overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction under the rules governing such movement;


If anything, this section seems to be talking about any roadway, so I'm not sure if it's talking about multilane highways, but regardless.... stay right. If you're passing other vehicles as you said, then stay left. But move over the first safe opportunity you can. To do so is reasonable and courteous.

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Both fast and slow drivers can be hazardous.

Consideration is my main issue. If there is someone going faster than you be considerate and move over when you can do so.

Driving the speed limit beside another vehicle on a two way road not allowing faster traffic to pass is being an asshole.

Driving carelessly over the speed limit and weaving in and out of lanes is being an asshole.

At least try and pretend you're not the only vehicle on the road and everyone wins.

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Since we're complaining, you stupid fugs that come out to Colorado to get high. Our dirt roads are 55, state highways are 65, our interstate is 75. Those are suggestions for a minimum speed. I know your slow cousin fuging brain can't handle it so stay out of Colorado


Was out in Denver a few years ago for a wedding.  Never seen so damn many people driving 15 mph UNDER the damn speed limit in my life.

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Was out in Denver a few years ago for a wedding. Never seen so damn many people driving 15 mph UNDER the damn speed limit in my life.

Was it raining? Rain confuses people here. If it's snowing everyone must go the speed limit. If it's raining it's like a monkey doing a math problem

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You guys will argue all you want until you get in behind a couple guys going 15 miles under the speed limit in both lanes on your way to work.

Happens to me every morning.

Traffic is one of the most stressing things I deal with on a daily basis, because it's just something that annoys me more than anything. Everybody oncoming when I'm at a stop sign seems to want to do a 70 in a 35 and everybody who happens to get in front of me wants to do 20 in a 35.

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