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Attention slow curb huggers

Your Creeper Cabbie

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Btw, I drove all the way to work this morning going no faster than 60. I stayed in the slow lane, cause that is the lane to be in when driving like that.

If I were driving in the speed range you normally do, I'd be in the middle lane, allowing myself a lane on either side of me to go around slower traffic, while allowing the faster traffic to go by me on the left.


If I'm feeling the need for speed, I still drive in the middle lane except when passing.


It's all comes down to common courtesy, and the rules of the road.

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I'm not defending the idiots you are blasting.


I'm telling you, you are in the wrong by doing what you do.

Even if there isn't a law about the inside being the passing lane (which it is under the rules of the road/laws of the road in pretty much any place that has multi lane roads. Don't believe me, ask a cop)., there is a law against holding up traffic in EVERY state. How many vehicles backed up behind the lead car, is different in most states. But it's a very simple law. You are not to impede traffic in any way. Do you know what that means? If not, google it.


Here is another fact you don't give a damn about.

There are more accidents on highways caused by SLOWER traffic than the faster traffic. True stuff.

Once again, you don't give a damn, cause you are an ahole.  I understand it, I was born over qualified to be an ahole. Doesn't mean we have to be one. In  fact, you enjoy being an ahole, otherwise you would have common courtesy for others, and would change lanes to allow faster traffic by, regardless of how you feel about them.


If you drove like that out the autobahn, you and somebody else would be dead already, cause you would have been ran into, cause you're to fugging ignorant to get out of the passing lane.




There may not be laws on the books in your area to enforce it, but it's still intended that way.


Go ahead, don't let these facts stop you from being an asshole to everyone else on the road.


There are no laws on the books making it okay to speed in any lane under any circumstance.  You are implying that driving the speed limit in the left lane is a crime when in fact it is not, and is, in fact, the lawful way to drive in the left lane :)


The bottom line is the people causing the accidents are the people going 80 in a 60, not the people doing 60 in a 60.



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Who knows the reason why we have more than one lane on some roads?  Anyone?


It's the same reason that some rivers are 200' wide, and some are 1000' wide.  A road with one lane in each direction can carry about 80 cars going 60 mph per mile of road.  For every lane you add, you are multiplying that, plus losing a percentage for merging, etc. Increasing the lanes = increasing the capacity, NOT increase of flow for those wanting to move faster.


How ridiculous would it be to say that a river is 1000' wide instead of 200' wide because some of the water in the river prefers to get to the ocean faster and needs its own section of the river?


I guess my point is that roads are planned for capacity, not the ease of people who prefer to use the road in an unsafe way. :)

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The bottom line is the people causing the accidents are the people going 80 in a 60, not the people doing 60 in a 60.

you obviously don't work in the insurance industry, or read up on the stats/surveys that keep track of those stats.

I'm not here to argue about speeding.

Facts are, the slower vehicles on the highways and other roadways cause more accidents than the faster ones.

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Both fast and slow drivers can be hazardous.

Consideration is my main issue. If there is someone going faster than you be considerate and move over when you can do so.

Driving the speed limit beside another vehicle on a two way road not allowing faster traffic to pass is being an asshole.

Driving carelessly over the speed limit and weaving in and out of lanes is being an asshole.

At least try and pretend you're not the only vehicle on the road and everyone wins.

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you obviously don't work in the insurance industry, or read up on the stats/surveys that keep track of rhose stats.

I'm not here to argue about speeding.

Facts are, the slower vehicles on the highways and other roadways cause more accidents than the fast ones.


Sounds like you are to me?


Your argument boils down to the fact that varying speeds are the cause of accidents and if everyone just drove as fast as you, there wouldn't be so many accidents. Which is true, provided you are driving around the speed limit.  Are you typically going above or below the speed limit?  I don't know about where you live, but in charlotte, it is so rare to encounter someone actually going under the speed limit that I don't even get mad.  It's like an interesting quirk.  I think to myself, "Hey, that guy isn't in a hurry, he must live an interesting life!"

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To be fair, I had a traffic engineering concentration in college, so perhaps the way I think about this is a little too analytical.  I think of a road as a river, or a vein carrying blood, or a pipe...

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Sounds like you are to me?

Your argument boils down to the fact that varying speeds are the cause of accidents and if everyone just drove as fast as you, there wouldn't be so many accidents. Which is true, provided you are driving around the speed limit. Are you typically going above or below the speed limit? I don't know about where you live, but in charlotte, it is so rare to encounter someone actually going under the speed limit that I don't even get mad. It's like an interesting quirk. I think to myself, "Hey, that guy isn't in a hurry, he must live an interesting life!"

Flow of traffic does not care about speed limits, and if the majority of traffic is going faster than the speed limit then the slower traffic becomes the issue. While I can't speak for every place, I imagine that most places are like it is here in that the flow of traffic is typically 5-10 mph over the posted speed limit. Legality aside, it is safer for traffic traveling the same speed to be clustered together. This is why the common rule (if only unwritten) is that slower traffic stays to the right.

That said, this discussion does not encompass people doing stupid things like crossing multiple lanes, cutting off other drivers, etc. Those things are dangerous and reckless regardless of speed, though compounded by traffic traveling at a range of speeds.

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Flow of traffic does not care about speed limits, and if the majority of traffic is going faster than the speed limit then the slower traffic becomes the issue. While I can't speak for every place, I imagine that most places are like it is here in that the flow of traffic is typically 5-10 mph over the posted speed limit. Legality aside, it is safer for traffic traveling the same speed to be clustered together. This is why the common rule (if only unwritten) is that slower traffic stays to the right.

That said, this discussion does not encompass people doing stupid things like crossing multiple lanes, cutting off other drivers, etc. Those things are dangerous and reckless regardless of speed, though compounded by traffic traveling at a range of speeds.


True..  The thing that you are neglecting, however is that in a vacuum, if there is a group of cars going the speed limit, it will be several orders of magnitude safer than a group of cars going 10 over.  The reason is the road itself.  The banking of the road, the design of the horizontal and vertical curves, the sight distances, even the design of the pavement mix, are all designed for a speed below a certain threshold speed.  These are all things that drivers tend to take for granted because they assume that roads are universally safe.


On a road with a design speed of 80 mph, the people going the speed limit or below will be the safest.  the people approaching that threshold speed... depending on their cars, some of them will start to skid or roll a bit on the curves.  Some won't be able to see obstacles in the road in time to stop.  Some will have more difficulty staying in their lanes.  All of these things could contribute to an accident, whereas the people going under the threshold "design speed" don't have an issue with the performance of the road itself in relationship to their car's movement.

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Since we're complaining, you stupid fugs that come out to Colorado to get high. Our dirt roads are 55, state highways are 65, our interstate is 75. Those are suggestions for a minimum speed. I know your slow cousin fuging brain can't handle it so stay out of Colorado


Lol what kind of POS car do you drive 55mph on a dirt road with?  93 jeep cherokee?

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True..  The thing that you are neglecting, however is that in a vacuum, if there is a group of cars going the speed limit, it will be several orders of magnitude safer than a group of cars going 10 over.  The reason is the road itself.  The banking of the road, the design of the horizontal and vertical curves, the sight distances, even the design of the pavement mix, are all designed for a speed below a certain threshold speed.  These are all things that drivers tend to take for granted because they assume that roads are universally safe.


On a road with a design speed of 80 mph, the people going the speed limit or below will be the safest.  the people approaching that threshold speed... depending on their cars, some of them will start to skid or roll a bit on the curves.  Some won't be able to see obstacles in the road in time to stop.  Some will have more difficulty staying in their lanes.  All of these things could contribute to an accident, whereas the people going under the threshold "design speed" don't have an issue with the performance of the road itself in relationship to their car's movement.


All accurate points.  It's worth noting that people generally only drive as fast as they feel comfortable, and while the basic physics behind the road construction remain the same (angles, distances, etc.) car and road surface technology has changed significantly since many of these roads were built; this means that people feel more comfortable travelling faster on the same roads, which is why speed limits have crept up over the years (gas prices and energy conservation notwithstanding).


I've never really looked into it that deeply, but apparently speed limits are recommended to be set at the 85th percentile of the average speed on that road, and if people generally only travel the speed they're comfortable travelling then the functional limit sort of regulates itself and laws cant'/won't/don't always keep up. Here's an interesting article touching on a few common speed limit questions: http://www.motorists.org/speed-limits/faq


One item linked to in the article is research that shows that drivers going 10 mph under the prevailing speed, not speed limit, on a given road are significantly more likely to get into accidents than drivers moving at the prevailing speed.  While that study itself is old and there are some others that have been done, the general consensus is that the safest speed to be driving is that of the general flow of traffic, which makes sense.

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