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NFL personnel compare Famous Jameis to JaMarcus Russell:


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I worry about Jameis off field, and a little about his conditioning.


Not worried at all about his ability, or smarts.



I prefer a grounded, down to Earth QB that doesn't cause distractions.  Hopefully Jameis can be that in the NFL, he was not able to handle that in college.

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For those of you calling this lazy journalism, you are all idiots.

The author did not say that he thought Winston was anything like Russell. He only reported what personnel members of various teams said about Winston.

Winston does show major signs of immaturity and arrogance in his behavior. From the crab leg incident...to the rape accusations..to the standing on tables and yelling vulgar statements to women. Any one of these and maybe you say immaturity. However, when looking at them in totality and the fact that he has not learned from any if them ARE big red flags on character that teams will look at.

You may not agree with the team assessments...but reporting them is not lazy journalism.

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For those of you calling this lazy journalism, you are all idiots.

The author did not say that he thought Winston was anything like Russell. He only reported what personnel members of various teams said about Winston.

Winston does show major signs of immaturity and arrogance in his behavior. From the crab leg incident...to the rape accusations..to the standing on tables and yelling vulgar statements to women. Any one of these and maybe you say immaturity. However, when looking at them in totality and the fact that he has not learned from any if them ARE big red flags on character that teams will look at.

You may not agree with the team assessments...but reporting them is not lazy journalism.

Reporting them is lazy journalism. Like 3/4ths of NFL.com articles.

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For those of you calling this lazy journalism, you are all idiots.

The author did not say that he thought Winston was anything like Russell. He only reported what personnel members of various teams said about Winston.

Winston does show major signs of immaturity and arrogance in his behavior. From the crab leg incident...to the rape accusations..to the standing on tables and yelling vulgar statements to women. Any one of these and maybe you say immaturity. However, when looking at them in totality and the fact that he has not learned from any if them ARE big red flags on character that teams will look at.


This.  Some personnel said this and the guy is just reporting their comments...which aren't entirely off base but I think the comparison in itself is lazy. 



Beyond all of the off the field crap, his first-half accuracy issues are a legit concern and he tends to just have brain farts during games.  I've been surprised that hasn't been mentioned more in the media.  Winston had some games where it took him an entire quarter or more to get that offense going.  The Florida, Miami and NC State games immediately come to mind.  I know he ended up turning it on quite well against the pack, but the type of holes he dug aren't as easily escapable in the NFL.


He knows how to finish pretty darn well though but I think people saw what happened to him without KB.  Good thing TB has Evans, SJ, and Jackson for their sake. 

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