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Rotoworld: Panthers Team Needs and Mock Draft


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While I agree that as a fan, I always prefer picks that have great game tape for me to salivate over, I also understand why NFL teams can be so infatuated with a player's measureables.  These players are still kids.  Most drafted players are between 20 and 22.  A large number of the ones picked early may have played as few as 4-6 seasons of competitive football.  Some even fewer.  That's just not enough time to fully master all the nuances of the game.  Particularly when you factor in that many of them have had coaches that just aren't that great.  There really aren't enough quality coaches to cover 32 NFL teams, hundreds of college teams, and tens of thousands of high schools.  So from an NFL front office's perspective, they gotta believe that the coaches on THEIR staff are gonna be able to get a more polished game out of these kids, because the coaches on the NFL level are quite likely the best coaches these kids have ever had.  


So when a kid like Flowers shows up and puts up monster numbers while having inconsistent game tape, he's shown all these NFL scouts that he has the best physical tools you can ask for, making his ceiling much higher than guys like Fischer, for instance.  The risk is, of course, that maybe this guy will always be inconsistent on game day.  Being on the field is a whole different animal than working out in shorts.  But he's only been doing this for a few years.  The bet is that he'll improve and you'll have yourself a genuine thoroughbred to just dominate the competition. 



We are a run first team so it plays into his strength but if you look at OT's the most important thing is foot movement and it seems Flower has the athletic ability to play OT. 

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Hardy > USC DBs> VT DBs> UF DBs> UNC DBs

Hardy is proven. Game film does not lie. Most underrated WR and I hope makes you eat those comparisons just so many other great DBs from the Power 5 that could not stop him or barely slow him by having him doubled with a safety over the top.

Our defense was terrible last year but yeah I get your point

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Round 1 (25): T Ereck Flowers, Miami - I mock this selection with gritted teeth. As Evan said, Oher and Martin are nothing more than adequate talents at best. I do not view them as upgrades.


Norris might be good at draft stuff, but judging from this statement he's poo at pro analysis.  "Nothing more than adequate talents" is a HUGE upgrade over what we had last year.

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Not saying we won't draft an OT, I certainly think we will at some point, but I think we can afford to take a project with a really high ceiling because what we have can't be any worse than what we had last year.  I'd be ok with about 4 or 5 OTs in the 1st this year.

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