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Voth's sources: Panthers have no intentions of signing second wave free agents


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Now, is it me, or don't we still (technically) have time to make these contracts happen... especially with the budget the Panthers will be working with in the 2016 season?! If those contracts are finalized now, and are "more" than what already in on the books, we won't have any room at all.

who knows what is in the head of the GM.

They KNOW they have to take care of Cam and Luke. Why are we always falling back on this?


They know what they are up to.

yes, there is time.

Rome wasn't built in a day. Neither is a Superbowl team.

Free agency hasn't been going long enough for the dollar store, that Gettleman wants to shop at, to open.

In the mean time, the majority of the threads on the huddle is complaining about the lack of action.

These youngsters have no concept of patience.

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13 mil. Not even enough to sign our r [kies and extend luke and cam.


Extending Cam would likely create space depending on how the contract is structured. They could realistically go from about 13 million - about 20 million with that move alone. 

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cam as as cheap as he'll be.


If you use Flacco's contract as a structure that's not true at all....




The respective cap numbers would increase a bit as Flacco's deal two two years ago would obviously be a low ball offer now, but the structure remains the same. Low year one number to allow you to continue to improve the team, with essentially dummy years on the backend where you'll do an extension. Could conceivably cut his 14.6 cap number in about half. The bigger issue is getting to the negotiating table, which Cam's camp seems to have zero interest in. 

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i wouldn't be foolish enough to go by said contract.

I know cam is not costing us anywhere near 20 million a year. Reality says it'll be more than that.


Se the edit.... numbers go up due to inflation but no reason that it can't be structured like that. Eat the money when you have significant cap room in later years. 

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What other true needs do we have? By resigning our players, we've filled all the departing needs and we've filled ot/pr.

Our team was 7-8-1.

Once again, our fanbase's failure to comprehend that the status quo is not acceptable is rearing its ugly head. Just re-signing role players from a team with that record is not how you get better, it's how you maintain. The reason we struggled early and eventually lost in the playoffs was due to glaring holes that have yet to be addressed appropriately. Ginn is not a #2 WR. Oher shouldn't be the only move we make at tackle.

But, seeing what cheapasses we planned on being after Voth's first report, luckily, I decided to check the huddle every 12 hours or so instead of wasting every waking minute checking if we signed anyone, because we won't.

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