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Cam Newton: A Franchise QB?

Ricky Spanish

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Good article.  Author had me at:



Most people by now would likely bring up the number of wins each player has had. The funny thing was, though, when I was looking at player career stats, career wins wasn’t a category. That’s because wins are not a quarterback-specific statistic.

I’m not sure about you, but the last time I watched a football game, any time a quarterback was on the field there were ten other people out there wearing the same uniform.

When a game is over, it isn’t just the quarterback that’s considered the winner, it’s the entire team. So how come when we go back and look at stats, quarterbacks are given sole credit by keeping track of the games they’ve “won?” I could go on about this for a while, but I’ll save that discussion for another day.


Truer words were never spoken.

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yeah, being in a weak division (Indy) and having a good team around you (Sea), makes everybody look better.


The NFC south seems to be a little weak right now and DG will get the team to better place this season. 



So this stat should look even better in a season or two.



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Most people by now would likely bring up the number of wins each player has had. The funny thing was, though, when I was looking at player career stats, career wins wasn’t a category. That’s because wins are not a quarterback-specific statistic.

nothing new to many of us, but it's good seeing someone say what mny of us have been saying for a long time.

i think the writer sums up pretty well why newton hasn't gotten the same respect luck and wilson have. it's all about the media created narrative. luck is the golden boy heir to peyton. wilson is the underdog always rising to the top. newton is the villan (thanks to hacks like peter king and nolan nowricki or whatever his name is). of course bspn did him no favors while he was in college, either. they tied him to the whipping post because of something his father allegedly did.

people (esp. in the media) let the people initially spinning the story do the thinking for them.

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yeah, being in a weak division (Indy) and having a good team around you (Sea), makes everybody look better.

The NFC south seems to a little weak right now and DG will get the team to better place this season.

So this stat should look even better in a season or two.

very true.

the pats and colts have always had their records inflated because of the weak divisions they were in. i mean they were talented, but i don't think as talented as their records would lead you to believe they were.

we might find ourselves in the same situation for a while.

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Yeah, so Gettleman already said he was. So how about we stop making shitty threads like this.


Even after Gettleman made that clear there are still some here who don't buy it and wonder if he's just building Newton's value for a possible trade scenario, lol. Unfortunately, in the feeble minds of a few, there will never be enough our QB can accomplish to change their views.


It's a pretty damn good time to be a fan of the Carolina Panthers, some teams have been searching for a quarterback for years.

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