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Blaming Cam is easy, but often a mistake.

Jeremy Igo

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No he doesn't. He just needs to be efficient and calm. If he trusts the play and the play calling and plays within the offense we will be fine. There won't be a lot of points scored in this game so we need to be methodical and efficient and more importantly score when given the opportunity. End every drive with the ball leaving someones foot: field goal, punt, or extra point. The way Stew is running is keeping us "ahead in the down" which allows us to run of those 6 minute drives. Even if they end in a field goal, our defense has been playing lights out.


Don't buy into the "Panther's haven't played any offenses lately that warrant such high praise." Drew Brees with Jimmy Graham and Ryan with Jones and Julio are some big time offenses. Play defense, play calm, cool, and collected within the offense. Key's to the game.


We have to score in the redzone. Biggest key is not settling for FG's. In our win streak, we averaged atleast 2 TD in the redzone. With our defense that is enough. Look at our losses against Seattle, all less than 14 pts scored 

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We have to score in the redzone. Biggest key is not settling for FG's. In our win streak, we averaged atleast 2 TD in the redzone. With our defense that is enough. Look at our losses against Seattle, all less than 14 pts scored 


While true, I believe if we get into a field goal situation we need to take that. Dropped passes in the end zone or fumbles on the 9 yard line aside, we should be fine. In the last match-up we were methodical and efficient, we just turned the ball over at inopportune times and dropped passes. As I said, end every drive with a kick of some kind.

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Now the WRs don't get separation is the argument? Did u see Dickson on Saturday? On the INT to Cotchery (which was the WR fault) Brown was open on a deep crossing route. Our WR core may not be the best but you can't blame them for that low completion percentage that Cam has. I mean the Jets and Raiders have a worse corps than ours but their QB are completing more of their passes.

I said in a earlier post the 3 throws that bothered me were: up and out to Olsen, wheel to Dickson and then the one when he had Dickson in the flat on 1st down near the end of the 3rd. There was maybe one more to Dickson that bothered me but who knows how wet the ball was but those were the 3-4 throws I thought he should've completed.

Yes, the WR group plays a huge role in the Cam's completion percentage just like the offensive line does as well. You keep forgetting that football is the ultimate team game and are so quickly to throw Cam under the bus for whatever reason you may have. You brought Andrew Luck into this, did you see the time in the pocket he had to work with? CBS even did one of their little graphics putting a digital circle around Luck illustrating the pocket he had to work with. Now Cam and Luck are both great young QB's and I'm not getting into that, but when Cam has time in the pocket he's proved numerous times he can make any throw in the NFL.

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I'm beginning to wonder if CelibatePimp has a split personality disorder.

One day he is heaping praise at Newton, the next he is talking about how Cam is worse than Geno Smith.

Make up your mind already.

First of all you do very little to add to any discussion on here. You like to come in with vacuous quips when anyone mentions Cam.

Secondly, you also need to understand that there are SEVERAL aspects to QB play. A QB can be good in some areas and bad in others. It's not a zero sum game where a QB must be either praised or criticized.

Lastly if all you interpret from that debate about Geno and Cam's completion percentage is that Geno is better than Cam then obviously your critical thinking skills are lacking.

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Andrew Luck was at 70% completion after TY Hilton had all those drops and became the WR with the most drops in the playoffs. Cam's % was 56%.

Hilton dropped 3, and that took his playoff drops to 6 in the past 3 years.  Not sure if anyone else had drops in that game, but I counted 6 in the Panthers' game just off the top of my head.  So if they had no more, Luck would have been 77%, and Cam 75%.


Again, I'm not saying Cam doesn't need to improve.

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I said in a earlier post the 3 throws that bothered me were: up and out to Olsen, wheel to Dickson and then the one when he had Dickson in the flat on 1st down near the end of the 3rd. There was maybe one more to Dickson that bothered me but who knows how wet the ball was but those were the 3-4 throws I thought he should've completed.

Yes, the WR group plays a huge role in the Cam's completion percentage just like the offensive line does as well. You keep forgetting that football is the ultimate team game and are so quickly to throw Cam under the bus for whatever reason you may have. You brought Andrew Luck into this, did you see the time in the pocket he had to work with? CBS even did one of their little graphics putting a digital circle around Luck illustrating the pocket he had to work with. Now Cam and Luck are both great young QB's and I'm not getting into that, but when Cam has time in the pocket he's proved numerous times he can make any throw in the NFL.

I've not said that none of those factors don't affect a QB. All I said was that drops alone cannot drastically reduce a QB % hence that Luck example. Another example will Brady; Lafell has had some drops this season but his % is well above 60. All WR will drop balls, olines will allow hurries and sacks hence no QB is completing more than 70% of their passes this season. I'm not asking for a 100% completion. Anything above 63 is decent.

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I've not said that none of those factors don't affect a QB. All I said was that drops alone cannot drastically reduce a QB % hence that Luck example. Another example will Brady; Lafell has had some drops this season but his % is well above 60. All WR will drop balls, olines will allow hurries and sacks hence no QB is completing more than 70% of their passes this season. I'm not asking for a 100% completion. Anything above 63 is decent.

Cam doesn't throw near as much as luck so that also plays into this

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Saying one player has a better completion percentage suddenly equals they are better than Cam? Did you finish high school?


That's kind of the point of this thread... not everything is on the qb.   Not even his completion percentage.     Cam had 2 to 3 horrible misses against the Cardinals.  That's basically it.

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Hilton dropped 3, and that took his playoff drops to 6 in the past 3 years. Not sure if anyone else had drops in that game, but I counted 6 in the Panthers' game just off the top of my head. So if they had no more, Luck would have been 77%, and Cam 75%.

Again, I'm not saying Cam doesn't need to improve.

There were four drops by TY and Fleener also missed one. That makes it 5.

With respect to Cam's game, if you factor in those he missed it could have made for a decent %. If we can blame KB for drops certainly we can hold Cam accountable too, no? If we both agree he needs to improve then we are on the same page.

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I said in a earlier post the 3 throws that bothered me were: up and out to Olsen, wheel to Dickson and then the one when he had Dickson in the flat on 1st down near the end of the 3rd. There was maybe one more to Dickson that bothered me but who knows how wet the ball was but those were the 3-4 throws I thought he should've completed.

Yes, the WR group plays a huge role in the Cam's completion percentage just like the offensive line does as well. You keep forgetting that football is the ultimate team game and are so quickly to throw Cam under the bus for whatever reason you may have. You brought Andrew Luck into this, did you see the time in the pocket he had to work with? CBS even did one of their little graphics putting a digital circle around Luck illustrating the pocket he had to work with. Now Cam and Luck are both great young QB's and I'm not getting into that, but when Cam has time in the pocket he's proved numerous times he can make any throw in the NFL.


I don't even know wtf the Bengals were doing.  They got zero pressure on Luck...and they couldn't really cover any of the Colts' WRs.   Bengal defenders were giving 10 yard cushions it seemed,  and they didn't even worry about covering the dump off targets,  even after the third or fourth one,  that gained 8-10 yards.     I remember thinking "What the hell happened to the Bengals defense?  Have they always been this slow?!"

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