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I don't think I've ever seen the fanbase against our HC coach this much (Rivera Poll)



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  1. 1. Do you want Ron Rivera gone?

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Thus you have root cause.


The problem is Ron is supposed to be the overall head coach, not just involved in the defense and a casual observer of the offense.


He has had OTAs.  He has had Training Camp.  He has had every bloody practice in the regular season to find at least 1-2 plays this offense and the players he selected to be on it, can execute.


If he has not done that from February to November, why is he still the Coach of this team?  Why has he done nothing about it?


I also get tired of his oline combination excuse.  The fact is it would not matter what combination he has.  They all suck IMHO however, this is the team he and his talented coaching sfaff opted to put on the field courtesy of the supply from the GM.  If he didn't like what he saw, he should have done somehting about it.


something else, that helmet to helmet Newton took, he should have come out of the game right there.  He let him stay in.  I don't want to hear about 'protocols', no one could take that hit and not be affected by it and yet, he was not even allowed out for even a series.


I agree that he has mismanaged many aspects of the team.  I don't particularly have a problem with him being hands off on the offense though, a lot of coaches focus more on their specialty.  My problem is not bringing in a guy that would deserve to be entrusted to run the offense competently.  Too bad Norv Turner decided to go to Cleveland with Chud rather than come here.  If he could have pulled off that move, we might all be having a different discussion today. 


I don't pay much attention to reasons/excuses given since they are merely his way of answering a question that he has to answer.  I'm sure that behind closed doors, they talk about some players the same way we do.  But they can't come out and say publicly that "Byron Bell sucks and has no business on the football field, but everyone else we have sucks just as bad, if not worse, so we're stuck with him for now."  They have to at least give the pretense that they believe in these guys.   


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You expected Newton to come out and say that Shula sucks, and they should hire someone else?

It wasn't Newton that hired Shula to be his quarterbacks coach in the first place, or Ken Dorsey for that matter.

I'm literally laughing over here at how much of a staunch Ron Rivera supporter you are now.


Newton's not going to trash Shula because Newton wanted Shula promoted in the first place.


I wasn't present in the meeting rooms and neither were you, but all indications are that Newton's support of Shula was instrumental in Shula's promotion.


By all accounts Newton was fine with the Dorsey hiring as well. I think at the time, Newton said he liked the fact the Dorsey was going to challenge him to get better in his fundamentals.


I have always supported Rivera. Always. You and some of the others seem infatuated with my posting history, so I invite you to explore it in terms of what I have always said about Rivera.


The fans always scream and want to fire the coaches when things aren't going well. It's what fans do.


The fact is that the Panthers rode a great defense performance to a 12 and 4 record last year. When you get right down to it, Carolina's defensive personnel was not that great. It sure as hell wasn't the second best roster in the NFL, that's for sure.


Rivera is going to get another year. And he deserves it.


But don't fret, changes are in the offing, you can rest assured of that.

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Newton's not going to trash Shula because Newton wanted Shula promoted in the first place.

I wasn't present in the meeting rooms and neither were you, but all indications are that Newton's support of Shula was instrumental in Shula's promotion.

By all accounts Newton was fine with the Dorsey hiring as well. I think at the time, Newton said he liked the fact the Dorsey was going to challenge him to get better in his fundamentals.

I have always supported Rivera. Always. You and some of the others seem infatuated with my posting history, so I invite you to explore it in terms of what I have always said about Rivera.

The fans always scream and want to fire the coaches when things aren't going well. It's what fans do.

The fact is that the Panthers rode a great defense performance to a 12 and 4 record last year. When you get right down to it, Carolina's defensive personnel was not that great. It sure as hell wasn't the second best roster in the NFL, that's for sure.

Rivera is going to get another year. And he deserves it.

But don't fret, changes are in the offing, you can rest assured of that.

I'm not even reading all that.

The fact that we reached out to both Norv Turner, and Hue Jackson first blows your argument right out of the water.

We settled for Shula, and played it safe. Just like with Rivera.

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I just have this horrible feeling that after this failtage of a season is over with, Ron is still going to be sitting here just because JR is paying him millions for the next few years. We're going to hear the same fuging excuses we do every year the team misses the playoffs: "we did some good things" "xyz is coming along" "too many key injuries" blah blah blah. Same poo we've always heard going back to the John Fox era.

Which basically means that January-May is going to be a shitstorm of boredom, people are going to get used to the fact that treeface Ron is staying for another year and start to manufacture justifications for him being here...ugh. At this point I'd love to go through a coaching search again. The 2011 offseason was actually pretty fun considering we had a new coaching staff and had the number one overall pick. People spamming nick flair and pp7 in every thread got annoying but from the Luck decision in January to the Greg Olsen trade it was pretty fun

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Rivera's tenure here mirrors that of Shula as HC of Bama:

Rivera as HC of CAR




7-8-1 best case scenario

Shula as HC of Bama (2003-06)





(note: after the 10-2 season, Bama doubled Shula's annual salary and extended his contract from 5 years to 6 years. When Bama fired him after 4 years, Bama had to pay him the millions left on his contract)


After carefully review Rivera's and Shula's prior record and  seeing they mirror each other,it is furher proof to me,they are both dumb asses and need to go elsewhere.


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Almost this entire board wanted John Fox run out of town on a rail after his final season. He was the worst coach in NFL history according to a fair percentage of Huddlers. Conservative moron.


A few weeks later, First ballot hall of famer, football legend John Elway is handed the keys to the Denver franchise.


Who does he hand pick as his head coach? John Fox.


John Elway has forgotten more about football than any of us will ever know...and yet he hand picked John Fox.


I guess Elway really should requested input from some of the geniuses on this forum before making his decision...

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Almost this entire board wanted John Fox run out of town on a rail after his final season. He was the worst coach in NFL history according to a fair percentage of Huddlers. Conservative moron.

A few weeks later, First ballot hall of famer, football legend John Elway is handed the keys to the Denver franchise.

Who does he hand pick as his head coach? John Fox.

John Elway has forgotten more about football than any of us will ever know...and yet he hand picked John Fox.

I guess Elway really should requested input from some of the geniuses on this forum before making his decision...

If you want to get real technical his conservative ways probably cost them a shot at a super bowl.

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Seifert was worse and Capers had a 25% win rate with a worse record.

Rivera is bad but he is still not our worst coach so far.

Sad how this franchise has never had a good coach in its history. The suckiness of Seifert and capers doesn't excuse the suckiness of Rivera. Fine we will grade the others with an f grade. And since Rivera is supposedly better, let's give him a D. He still sucks. We need a Pete Carroll or Belichek type of coach.
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Kinda torn on this.. because you want to jump on his back every time we don't play well. He is the head coach it lands on him.. I like him as a person, I think he is a stand up guy and likes his guys to have a warrior mentality, but I think the culture around Carolina Football is pretty conservative in general.. coming from the office down which trickles all over Rivera. 


Id much rather have him than Mike Smith or some softie... but chip kelly could teach Ron a few things about the new school of modern athletes.. with sports nutrition, getting guys working out and preventing injuries, giving them a physical edge. 

I think Ron could be a good head coach if he had other coaches around him that take on a more aggressive coaching role. I feel like he needs people just like Cam needs play makers. Maybe I'm just trying to stay on our coaches side.. who knows... but I know the Panthers are better than this overall in the whole aspect of a franchise.

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