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I don't think I've ever seen the fanbase against our HC coach this much (Rivera Poll)



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  1. 1. Do you want Ron Rivera gone?

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This season is pretty simple to explain.


The loss of Hardy and the disappearance of CJ turned what had been a great passing rushing defensive line into a no pressure defensive line.


This exposed an already suspect secondary that was made worse by personnel losses long term cap restrictions made it impossible to address.


Right now, the Panthers don't have a lot of talent on the defensive side of the football. They really didn't have that much talent last year, either, but Rivera was very good at making something out of nothing on that side of the ball.


On the offensive (literally) side of things, an already paper-thin and suspect offensive line has been banged-up and battered and unable to develop any sort of consistency. The running backs have been injured, the Receiving corps (outside of Olsen) has been inconsistent and the QB has wilted under pressure and put up bottom five passer rating numbers.


To address the Atlanta game for the umpteenth time: Newton had already thrown two picks, had nearly just thrown a third and has taken sacks on nearly 10% of his dropbacks this season. Rivera's decisions, while certainly conservative, were easy to understand. That's why criticism of the decision has really not gained any traction outside of the customary squealings on internet chat rooms.


The bottom line is that Rivera doesn't trust the offense.  He clearly isn't sold on the fact that they can make a play when they need to.  IMO, that's why he has reverted to conservative Ron.  And unfortunately, he has reason not to trust them.  Despite the fact the offense was moving the ball well, there have been way too many instances of this offense imploding at the absolute worst possible time.  Now, part of the problem is coaching, but player execution is also a huge factor.  Either way, I think Rivera had more confidence in Gano making a 46 yard field goal than the offense not screwing up and blowing a chance to even attempt it. 

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At the start of the season he had the best win percentage of any Panthers coach. He is now 2nd behind Fox.


I'm not talking win percentage.  I'm looking at it seasonally.


He's only managed one winning year.  At this point, 75% of his Panthers coaching career has been losing seasons.


I'd have to look it up (Seifert might be worse) but any way you slice it, that's pretty bad.


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This season is pretty simple to explain.


The loss of Hardy and the disappearance of CJ turned what had been a great passing rushing defensive line into a no pressure defensive line.


This exposed an already suspect secondary that was made worse by personnel losses long term cap restrictions made it impossible to address.


Right now, the Panthers don't have a lot of talent on the defensive side of the football. They really didn't have that much talent last year, either, but Rivera was very good at making something out of nothing on that side of the ball.


On the offensive (literally) side of things, an already paper-thin and suspect offensive line has been banged-up and battered and unable to develop any sort of consistency. The running backs have been injured, the Receiving corps (outside of Olsen) has been inconsistent and the QB has wilted under pressure and put up bottom five passer rating numbers.


To address the Atlanta game for the umpteenth time: Newton had already thrown two picks, had nearly just thrown a third and has taken sacks on nearly 10% of his dropbacks this season. Rivera's decisions, while certainly conservative, were easy to understand. That's why criticism of the decision has really not gained any traction outside of the customary squealings on internet chat rooms.


For all the endless poo you talk about Newton, you're really going to simply give Rivera of all people a pass? Too funny.

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I couldn't have been anymore pissed off after I saw the type of offense we were running at the end of the game.  I will just never understand Rivera's thinking.  I knew Gano was going to miss the field goal before we even got to 3rd down.  It just doesn't make sense to continue to play pussy ball when it almost NEVER WORKS OUT IN OUR FAVOR. Riverboat Ron or as he likes to call him self "Calculated Risk Taker Ron" please enlighten me when has your pussy tactics ever won us a game?  We have lost so many close games under this man it is unfuging real.  He thinks he's doing the logical thing but really he's neutering our offense.  How many games did we win last year because we HAD to score a TD on offense as opposed to having to stop the opposing offense with our defense with less than a FG lead?  We won so many games last year because we took the handcuffs off of Cam in crunch time and he proved time and time again he can close out games.  Why do we not do that anymore I have no idea especially after they came out as hot as they did the second half.  Rivera needs to go.

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Eh there was just as much Fox hatred, but the situation was different as 2010 came after mediocrity, not success, so the feeling was less of a monumental let down


I think this is clearly the biggest reason for so much hate this year.  I think the team's success last year gave fans the unrealistic expectation that we were ready for perennial playoff appearances, but now feel let down.  And as is the nature of fans, they are looking for someone to blame.


To be sure, there is plenty of blame to go around, but the reality is that we began the season with some big holes at key spots...and some spots we thought we would be able to get by with turned out to be less than acceptable. 


Despite what they said publicly, I don't think the team ever felt that Bell was the answer at LT, he was just all they could afford.  After all, if they truly felt he was a legitimate starting OT, they would have signed him to an extension before his value skyrocketed rather than just a one-year placeholder deal.  No, I think they knew he would not be ideal, but were hoping he could at least be adequate and probably didn't expect this level of ineptitude. 

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I think this is clearly the biggest reason for so much hate this year.  I think the team's success last year gave fans the unrealistic expectation that we were ready for perennial playoff appearances, but now feel let down.  And as is the nature of fans, they are looking for someone to blame.


To be sure, there is plenty of blame to go around, but the reality is that we began the season with some big holes at key spots...and some spots we thought we would be able to get by with turned out to be less than acceptable. 


Despite what they said publicly, I don't think the team ever felt that Bell was the answer at LT, he was just all they could afford.  After all, if they truly felt he was a legitimate starting OT, they would have signed him to an extension before his value skyrocketed rather than just a one-year placeholder deal.  No, I think they knew he would not be ideal, but were hoping he could at least be adequate and probably didn't expect this level of ineptitude. 


Gettleman's building this thing for the long haul.


Considering how terrible the offense has been the several weeks, the defense has held together fairly well...even in the loss to Philly.


You give Rivera a couple of more pieces on that side of the football...and the Panthers will become very, very good again.


Defensive coaches of the caliber of Rivera don't grow on trees.


The moves this off season will be in replacing Shula and probably Dorsey as well. I am telling you...this is going to be an interesting off season...


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Gettleman's building this thing for the long haul.


Considering how terrible the offense has been the several weeks, the defense has held together fairly well...even in the loss to Philly.


You give Rivera a couple of more pieces on that side of the football...and the Panthers will become very, very good again.


Defensive coaches of the caliber of Rivera don't grow on trees.


The moves this off season will be in replacing Shula and probably Dorsey as well. I am telling you...this is going to be an interesting off season...



Yeah no matter what happens, it will be damn interesting.

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Gettleman's building this thing for the long haul.


Considering how terrible the offense has been the several weeks, the defense has held together fairly well...even in the loss to Philly.


You give Rivera a couple of more pieces on that side of the football...and the Panthers will become very, very good again.


Defensive coaches of the caliber of Rivera don't grow on trees.


The moves this off season will be in replacing Shula and probably Dorsey as well. I am telling you...this is going to be an interesting off season...


you say the dumbest poo

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lol seifert was so much worse what are you people smoking. 


It's not about worst coach necessarily.  Measuring timing and circumstance as well.  All things considered, I think this is the most vehemently against a coach the fan base has been.  Everyone for the most part realized Seifert was going to be canned at this point in the 1-15 season (his 3rd season).  Fast forward...Rivera creates such a tumultuous atmosphere around this franchise..it's damming.  (6-10, 7-9, 12-4, 3-7-1).  Is he really worth looking to see if he can muster 2 winning seasons out of 5?


I think it would be asinine to give this Ron fellow a 5th season.  



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Gettleman's building this thing for the long haul.


Considering how terrible the offense has been the several weeks, the defense has held together fairly well...even in the loss to Philly.


You give Rivera a couple of more pieces on that side of the football...and the Panthers will become very, very good again.


Defensive coaches of the caliber of Rivera don't grow on trees.


The moves this off season will be in replacing Shula and probably Dorsey as well. I am telling you...this is going to be an interesting off season...



Yep.  That's the frustrating thing about message boards, many look so hard at the immediate and short term that they miss what is really going on.  The truth is that Gettleman did not do anything this offseason for this year.  He did it with his sights on building a perennial SB contender in the future.  While this season has been a colossal disappointment, we will come out of it with some real cap flexibility that would not be there if he had signed a bunch of mediocre guys to multi-year deals just to barely make the playoffs this year. 


Now, it's obvious that some of his plans to at least keep us competitive this year failed, but I think that was a risk he was willing to take in order to keep from digging us a long-term hole for short-term gain.


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