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What is going on? Cam's QB rating keeps getting worse this season: 100.2, 98.5, 94.9, 84.8, 85.8, 72.6, 61.0, 45.2 (tonight)


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Maybe not every game but tonight was more about Cam Newton failing then anyone else.

The OL did its job. The RB's did their job. The D got turnovers. The ST got decent or better field position.

10 pts at least from Newton mistakes by my quick recollection.

sorry but you are wrong...


OL did it's job?  5 sacks and many more overted by Cam's legs....


RB's did their job?  other than williams cut back to the other side of the field on the screen pass what did he do?   Stew ran good the 3 times he had the ball


D did get turnovers and two 20 minute drives that iced the game for us.... with that awesome wet paper towel 20 yard cushion 


ST?   are you smoking crack cocaine?  our punter is good what else are you talking about




oh and you conveniently left out our stud recievers who dropped uh... 10 passes tonight, some for touchdowns!!!!!!!  give me a freaking break   Cam threw 28 passes and 10 were drops... are you mental... all you can remember is the three or four high passes!!!!!    



also our play calling... are you saying the coaches did their job with that assanine. hail mary every 3rd down crap... 

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Injuries have crippled this offense. No line. Olsen has to block every play now. We seem to pass to the sidelines way too often...long throws. KB being a rookie. Asking Cotch and Bersin to step up but they lack the talent to do so. Shula- lol

We never call anything underneath. No outlets. Nothing short and simple.

I hate this offensive scheme.

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Schematically the team has been exposed. We don't have the IQ in the box to adapt or the talent on the field to compensate. Cam starts pressing and it becomes an absolute train wreck.

The gameplay tonight was quite literally to draw them in with the run and hit them with the big play. In addition to the fact that we don't have the personnel to execute that kind of offense, it's laughable how antiquated that entire philosophy is anyways. It's like something a huddler would say.

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sorry but you are wrong...

OL did it's job? 5 sacks and many more overted by Cam's legs....

RB's did their job? other than williams cut back to the other side of the field on the screen pass what did he do? Stew ran good the 3 times he had the ball

D did get turnovers and two 20 minute drives that iced the game for us.... with that awesome wet paper towel 20 yard cushion

ST? are you smoking crack cocaine? our punter is good what else are you talking about

oh and you conveniently left out our stud recievers who dropped uh... 10 passes tonight, some for touchdowns!!!!!!! give me a freaking break Cam threw 28 passes and 10 were drops... are you mental... all you can remember is the three or four high passes!!!!!

also our play calling... are you saying the coaches did their job with that assanine. hail mary every 3rd down crap...

getting tired but will do my best

I was in the chat and remarked several times that isgram is going to wear the D out. And he did.

The runs by your committee back generated yards. Not every run is a Madden highlight. Runs clicking 3 yards are good these days and sustain drives. Too many 3rd and 8s coming after Newton knuckleballs and aerial bombs 10' off.

Yeah I forgot your WR's. I think everyone forgot them too. Or wants to. KB is a took. Olsen is amazing but the other wannabes? Dude. You have no one, noooooo one at WR that belongs on an NFL roster or above 3 on a depth chart

Your OL sucks. Yup no question. So does Cutlers and Fitzpatrick's. They make the throws. They know how to make quick reads. Newton held on to the ball too long and if you watched his head he didn't even scan the field. Went right to KB then Olsen. Then ran. He didn't even check down. Many times right to Olsen or Run. Sure, it could be confidence or a lack there of but if you want to see how the game should be played watch Roethlisberger. He gets punished but he stands in the pocket and makes a throw. Of course Ben is a HOF'er and its hard to compare him to Newton but watch a better QB in this league, which there are many. You'll find they play the position much better with half the talent of your beloved Cam Newton.

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what makes it frustrating multiple times over is that

coming into tonite, the Saints D was:

#26 scoring D (26.9)

#28 total D (390.4 yds)

#20 rushing TDs allowed

#21 in sacks (13)

#21 in 3rd down pct D (43.7%)

#22 in 1st downs given up to passes

#24 completion pct allowed (66.3%)

#25 pass efficiency D (99.0 rating allowed)

#30 yards per pass allowed

#31 pass D, ypg allowed (289.3)

and coming into last week, the Seahawks D was:

103.9 QB rating allowed (5th-worst in NFL)

68.3% completion pct allowed (4th-worst in NFL)

47.0% 3rd down conversion allowed (6th-worst in NFL)

7.0 sacks (3rd worst in NFL)

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Announcers said Payton was licking his chops and was very confident. Our coaches coach to not lose. No balls. No creativity. I'd trade for Chud and at least be entertained.

Shula has shown he does not have the creativity to run an NFL offense. Is Dan Henning still kicking, damn, what's Davidson doing?

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getting tired but will do my best

I was in the chat and remarked several times that isgram is going to wear the D out. And he did.

The runs by your committee back generated yards. Not every run is a Madden highlight. Runs clicking 3 yards are good these days and sustain drives. Too many 3rd and 8s coming after Newton knuckleballs and aerial bombs 10' off.

Yeah I forgot your WR's. I think everyone forgot them too. Or wants to. KB is a took. Olsen is amazing but the other wannabes? Dude. You have no one, noooooo one at WR that belongs on an NFL roster or above 3 on a depth chart

Your OL sucks. Yup no question. So does Cutlers and Fitzpatrick's. They make the throws. They know how to make quick reads. Newton held on to the ball too long and if you watched his head he didn't even scan the field. Went right to KB then Olsen. Then ran. He didn't even check down. Many times right to Olsen or Run. Sure, it could be confidence or a lack there of but if you want to see how the game should be played watch Roethlisberger. He gets punished but he stands in the pocket and makes a throw. Of course Ben is a HOF'er and its hard to compare him to Newton but watch a better QB in this league, which there are many. You'll find they play the position much better with half the talent of your beloved Cam Newton.

SMH.... oh brother


"You'll find they play the position much better with half the talent of your beloved Cam Newton"   


either you are saying Cam is talented and needs to make better decisions... and i agree.


or you are saying there are teams with more talent and i will disagree... we are the least talented team other than QB and middle LB in the league

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