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TNF: AFC South Showdown: Colts (3-2) at Texans (3-2)


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The Luck bashing/hand wringing/fixation has got to be one the most puzzling things that drags on and on....stupefying... One of the stranger themes on this message board


It's just pure butthurt plain and simple. They treat Cam like a family member and anyone or anything that causes friction toward Cam they hate and must mock.


So in short, they hate: ESPN, Luck, all announcers, Collin Kaepernick, Russell Wilson, big city markets, Tom Brady, all referees, "haters", any fan who can logically find a fault with Cam, Shula, our O-line, or WRs drops, and most importantly ... themselves.



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Lol people tend to "hate on" or bash the person or thing that's talked about a lot. So, I really don't know why people get butt hurt when folks on here talk about Lucky. It's also quite possible, not likely, but possible that he spurned us when he went back to school, so it's really not a shock people on here trash him. Humans are emotional creatures, were always tryna find someone to hate. Move around their posts or simply ignore those who you feel constantly bring up Lucky; its that simple.

It's funny, though. People on here bash Colin Kaeparnick and other QBs just as hard, yet no outrage when they do so.

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So now the complaint is Luck is overrated because he throws too much?

DeMarco Murray leads the league in rushing attempts, is he overrated too?

I didn't call him over-rated, he is a fantastic QB. I am just saying that if other QBs threw the ball as much as him they would have similar numbers. Read the stats, Matt Ryan has 30 less attempts then him before Luck played last night game and is only 100 yards back. A good QB is not just about stats, and Andrew Luck clearly has those qualities, but saying he leads the league in yards when he throws almost 10 more balls a game than the average QB is not mind boggling to me.

No slight on him though, as much as I hate to see it he is clearly headed to the title of best QB in the game not to long from now. Luckily for the Panthers, second best will do just fine for us anyway. It won't hurt my feelings if Cam is the Brady to Luck as Manning ;)

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Fitzpatrick actually had a better QB rating and completion percentage than Luck just saying.

That's because he was better.

No one watching last night's game can honestly say Luck playing matched his stats. That is why I don't always buy into those stats. I wonder who was responsible for his fumble.

As I said before, if Luck wasn't the media's darling, he would be seen as mediocre as ever. His saving grace were are his weapons. He had almost five ints last night. I am sure none of that was mentioned this morning during the Luck tongue bathing.

All my News mentioned were the stats. Not how he really played.

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I didn't call him over-rated, he is a fantastic QB. I am just saying that if other QBs threw the ball as much as him they would have similar numbers. Read the stats, Matt Ryan has 30 less attempts then him before Luck played last night game and is only 100 yards back. A good QB is not just about stats, and Andrew Luck clearly has those qualities, but saying he leads the league in yards when he throws almost 10 more balls a game than the average QB is not mind boggling to me.

No slight on him though, as much as I hate to see it he is clearly headed to the title of best QB in the game not to long from now. Luckily for the Panthers, second best will do just fine for us anyway. It won't hurt my feelings if Cam is the Brady to Luck as Manning ;)

What defines the "best QB?" Please tell me? If the media would treat Luck like they enjoy doing to QBs like Fitz, Cam, and even sometimes Russell, who I think is way better then Luck, we would see how average Luck really is.

There is something to be said for media hype and the dumbing down effect.

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He went to the top of my S list when he mocked Cam in BOA. He also somehow gets a pass for stuff that Cam gets roasted for.

Yea, he went on my S list after that game as well, but Kaeparnick was receiving tons of hate here long before that playoff game. Plus, wasn't it Mitchell who mocked Kaep's celebration first?

But hate on who you want to hate on. It doesn't really matter to me, because I hate on certain players as well. It's what fans do. I'm just ribbing on those who get upset w/e a Cam v Luck debate happens. That debate is always going to happen. Especially since many feel we had a shot at Luck. Folks are going to be salty, which is ok.

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