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September 13 game

Hairless Cat

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All you people who say he's paid his debt...so don't rag on him. He is choosing to make a career in the public eye. NO ONE IS CHOOSING THAT FOR HIM BUT MICHAEL VICK.

When you CHOOSE A PUBLIC CAREER the bad goes with the good even when you are a good person.

Let him go back to school and be a lawyer or something if he doesn't want the verbal abuse he has CREATED FOR HIMSELF WITH HIS ACTIONS.


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All you people who say he's paid his debt...so don't rag on him. He is choosing to make a career in the public eye. NO ONE IS CHOOSING THAT FOR HIM BUT MICHAEL VICK.

When you CHOOSE A PUBLIC CAREER the bad goes with the good even when you are a good person.

Let him go back to school and be a lawyer or something if he doesn't want the verbal abuse he has CREATED FOR HIMSELF WITH HIS ACTIONS.


:lol: @ lawyer.

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As will I and thousands of other Eagle fans who although they may not agree with the organizations decision on bringing Mike in, they will also not take kindly to being constantly heckled for the move that their team has made.

I understand the "protests" and such, but I hope those doing so remember that they are not dealing with the most docile of fanbases and choose how they show thier displeasure wisely. A drunk fan yelling obcenities at passing Eagle fans about MV will probably get what's coming to them which no one wants to see. Personally I hope this is a non issue.

I'll be there, and drunk, and yelling obcenities. it's football man, and if it were a night game, we would have print outs of eagles logos and burning them as you guys walked by. it's all in fun, take it with a grain of salt.

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Forgiving is for Christians and that's almost as bad as a dog killer.

I’m not asking people to be Christians. (But I know what you’re saying)

I am just asking people to be objective and "Good" people.

There is nothing good that comes from life in holding a grudge, no matter the situation.

I use to HATE Mike Vick for what he did to our team on the football field, I hated him more for what he did off the field.

But we all are still human, make mistakes and should learn from them. I think he has, and will use the situation to make a positive influence in kid’s lives.

For that, I cannot be mad at him at all.

Grow up folks.

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Your right. I'M SURE if the Panthers had signed vick the Egirls fan base would just give it a pass.

I for one would think our fan base would BE retarded if passed on the chance to ride vick and the Egirls fan base.

This has nothing to do with forgiveness, this is football.

Whats the purpose of ragging a guy who wont even play in the game?

If Vick was playing THEN HELL YEAH-

BUT HE IS NOT GOING TO PLAY THE GAME-- whats the reasoning for it?

(its just going to make our fanbase look like idiots and piss off the eagles)

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I dont give a poo about the whole vick thing. Just so happens he signed with the eagles. and I'll be there, and drunk, and talkin poo to opposin fans. It's part of the game and sports in general. I remember a couple of bears fans last year we were talkin poo to but we all had smiles and drank more beer together. And when the game was over, they stayed around until we got back so they could get their ass chewin that was comin to them. Seen a guy wearin a orton jersey, and i yelled "are u fugin serious? Orton?" and a bears fan with a butkus jersey came around and said "where, i wouldn't even do that." Some people are up tight, most are cool. but im a happy drunk anyway so what the hell. By the way, if i dont see any of you eagles fans down there. "DOWN WITH THE EAGLES!!!!"

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I dont give a poo about the whole vick thing. Just so happens he signed with the eagles. and I'll be there, and drunk, and talkin poo to opposin fans. It's part of the game and sports in general. I remember a couple of bears fans last year we were talkin poo to but we all had smiles and drank more beer together. And when the game was over, they stayed around until we got back so they could get their ass chewin that was comin to them. Seen a guy wearin a orton jersey, and i yelled "are u f**kin serious? Orton?" and a bears fan with a butkus jersey came around and said "where, i wouldn't even do that." Some people are up tight, most are cool. but im a happy drunk anyway so what the hell. By the way, if i dont see any of you eagles fans down there. "DOWN WITH THE EAGLES!!!!"

That is one of the best part of the game.......I love the sh*t talking between fans and hope there will be plenty of it that day. I plan on using that day as a clinic to teach my son the art of sh*t talking. :)

What I will have no patience for that day is the non football, tree hugging animal lovers that are protesting me like I am walking my underage girflriend into an abortion clinic just because I have Eagles gear on. I don't deal with stupid very well.

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That is one of the best part of the game.......I love the sh*t talking between fans and hope there will be plenty of it that day. I plan on using that day as a clinic to teach my son the art of sh*t talking. :)

What I will have no patience for that day is the non football, tree hugging animal lovers that are protesting me like I am walking my underage girflriend into an abortion clinic just because I have Eagles gear on. I don't deal with stupid very well.

don't judge me, I mean she was in the club so she had to be over 18 right.

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That is one of the best part of the game.......I love the sh*t talking between fans and hope there will be plenty of it that day. I plan on using that day as a clinic to teach my son the art of sh*t talking. :)

What I will have no patience for that day is the non football, tree hugging animal lovers that are protesting me like I am walking my underage girflriend into an abortion clinic just because I have Eagles gear on. I don't deal with stupid very well.

And I dont blame you, but i really dont see no protesting going on since vick is working with peta. Maybe the occasional smart ass comment about it. I always tell the atlanta fans the best decision they ever made was gettin rid of favre in 92. takes them a while to come back from that one. :cheers2: heres to football. "LETS GO PANTHERS" BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM

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There is only one reason as to why Vick is sorry about what he did and why he had to pay for it. Because he got caught! If not for that he'd still be doing it. Case closed.

counterfactual speculation......

but your opinion none the less, and this is the nightmare Vick will face for doing what he did.

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