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September 13 game

Hairless Cat

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As will I and thousands of other Eagle fans who although they may not agree with the organizations decision on bringing Mike in, they will also not take kindly to being constantly heckled for the move that their team has made.

I understand the "protests" and such, but I hope those doing so remember that they are not dealing with the most docile of fanbases and choose how they show thier displeasure wisely. A drunk fan yelling obcenities at passing Eagle fans about MV will probably get what's coming to them which no one wants to see. Personally I hope this is a non issue.

Wipe your feet before entering this house... tread lightly. Respect will be met with the same.... as will the converse.

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Luckily I am bringing my son to the game with me. He will be the buffer between me and bad behavior. (hopefully) Deciding to bring him to that game will probably be the best decission I make all year. :)

Should be a fun time, I can't wait.

Can't wait to meet Lil Rocket. We promise to behave.

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Luckily I am bringing my son to the game with me. He will be the buffer between me and bad behavior. (hopefully) Deciding to bring him to that game will probably be the best decission I make all year. :)

Should be a fun time, I can't wait.

Id be a little disapointed in our fanbase if they heckled other fans...Now heckling Mike Vick and the eagle organization I have absolutely no problem with that!!

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