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Proehl on 1st visit with Kelvin Benjamin: "I was in awe to be honest"

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I think we're in great hands knowing Proehl is the man standing behind this receiving corps.  No doubt Ramsdell will influence something as well. 


We quietly have set up good positional coaches and assistants for this offense.


Benjamin is a perfectly moldable monster, Cotchery is an ideal 2-year deal vet with skills, Avant/Underwood are strong back side of roster safety nets that allow one of the other youngsters to possibly shine.    

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I think this year we actually have WRs that can catch passes and get separation from there guys. No they dont look pretty on paper but they are the type of group that just goes outs and balls with a really good QB. Cam will have to make some plays this year to help the line but if they stay healthy I will promise the WRs we have now will work back to the ball unlike LaFell and Ginn last year. I think that was the biggest problem with that unit and I think it was fixed this year.

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i think KB is going to be great, especially for what this team has been missing, but we are talking about rookie camp right? wake me up in pre-season. he only averaged 3.8 rec/game. we will need more than that. his 15 td on 54 catches is nice though.

Every starter from that offense will eventually get drafted into the NFL, as well as some backups.

The backup QB is going to start for Bama this year.

Loaded doesn't begin to cover it.

Sent from my iPhone using Carolina

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Can we just stop with the Calvin Johnson comparisons. Calvin is a athletic freak. KB has some physical limitations ie speed, vert, etc. 


And can we stop with the "Kelvin Benjamin Has Physical Limitations" nonsense?


A 32" vertical with a guys of Benjamin's height, weight and reach makes no difference than a guy who's arms were 4 " shorter with a 4" higher vertical (and then some). Remember, he'll play WR in the NFL--where he should have a phsical advantage every game--not Power Forward or Center in the NBA. So please let's stop with this.


Benjamin is not "limited". That's like saying Deondre Jordan and Dwight Howard (and any other taller long armed player) are limited, cause their verticals are in the thirties instead of the forties as shorter players, totally discounting their long reach and height. Yes, most of your NBA power forwards and Centers don't have 40+" verticals. And they don't have to when they're taller, closer to the rim to begin with. This is the take away with KB. When you throw the ball up in the air, he has less distance and time to get to it than his defender 95% of the time. Add in his strength, weight/girth, toughness and anticipation, and you could have an NFL freak. Does Larry Fitzgerald's "Limitations" stop him from being an all pro receiver (and he has them, in comparison to Megatron)? Get my point?


And Benjamin is not slow. He just gets out of the blocks slowly. But he runs fast when up to speed. And in a football game, he won't be coming out of a three point stance as well. 


Lastly, Benjamin WINS jump balls. So even if he wasn't any of those things athletically, he still makes the tough catches in traffic. That's what counts. Just because Calvin Johnnson is a freak of nature, that doesn't make Kelvin Benjamin have "athletic limitations in comparison". By that measure, Everyone Has Athletic Limitations--In Comparison to Megatron!!


Saying all this: We'll have to see how he performs in the NFL? However,  the future looks bright! It all depends on how hard Benjamin wants to work, and how bad he wants it. 




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And can we stop with the "Kelvin Benjamin has Physical Limitations" nonsense. 


A 32" vertical with a guys of height, weight and reach makes no difference, than if his arms were 4 " shorter and vertical 4" higher. So please let's stop with this. Benjamin is not limited. That's like saying Deondre Jordan and Dwight Howard (and any other taller long armed player) are limited, cause their verticals are in the thirties, instead of forties, discounting their long reach and height. 


And Benjamin is not slow. He just gets out of the blocks slowly. But he runs fast. 


And lastly, Benjamin WINS jump balls. So even if he wasn't any of those things, he still makes the tough catches in traffic. 


Just because Calvin Johnnson is a freak of nature, that doesn't make Kelvin Benjamin have athletic limitations in comparison. 


Um being tall and big does not mean you cant have good speed and verts. 


Pretty big difference between a low 30' vert and a high 30' vert. 


No one said KB is slow, just he does not possess elite speed like you would like out of a WR. 


Bottom line is outside of size, KB does not possess the athletic attributes you want out of a WR. 


Are they terrible, no. Does it mean he cant be successful, no. 


Personally I like KB pick and would prob pick him knowing now who would be available later in the draft. 


All I am saying is KB does not have elite athleticism. Low 30's vert and 4.6+ 40's are rather unimpressive. 


He makes up for some of that with his height. So we will have to wait and see how all this translates on the field. I am

optimistic on this. 


My main point still remains, comparing KB to Calvin is absurd. Calvin is a freak athlete and KB should not even be mentioned in the same sentence. Not a knock on KB as almost no WR should be compared to Calvin J. 

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Um being tall and big does not mean you cant have good speed and verts. 


Pretty big difference between a low 30' vert and a high 30' vert. 


No one said KB is slow, just he does not possess elite speed like you would like out of a WR. 


Bottom line is outside of size, KB does not possess the athletic attributes you want out of a WR. 


Are they terrible, no. Does it mean he cant be successful, no. 


Personally I like KB pick and would prob pick him knowing now who would be available later in the draft. 


All I am saying is KB does not have elite athleticism. Low 30's vert and 4.6+ 40's are rather unimpressive. 


He makes up for some of that with his height. So we will have to wait and see how all this translates on the field. I am

optimistic on this. 


My main point still remains, comparing KB to Calvin is absurd. Calvin is a freak athlete and KB should not even be mentioned in the same sentence. Not a knock on KB as almost no WR should be compared to Calvin J. 

You're not making any sense. 


No, there is not a big difference between a vertical in the low and high thirties. Not at all. They're a lot of co-mitigating factors, such as Explosion, timing/anticipation, Height, Reach, etc. You're wrong!


You think Roy Hibbert in the NBA, has a decent vertical??? Of course not. However, bring a 6'5" guard with a 48" vertical in the paint, and 7/10 times he's going to block their shot or make them miss. You get my drift? This is the advantage that Benjamin will have over most Cornerbacks, and even Linebackers (as they'll be most likely slower and heavier, even if the same height). 


Plus, that was his standing vertical. Some guys may have lower standing verticals. However, their running verticals are much/disproportionately  higher (can even be higher than another player that has a higher standing vertical than them). 


Once again, he's fast, deceptive and agile. His 40 time is completely cause he doesn't get out of the blocks/come out of his stance quickly. But he moves. 


And Yes, KB can be the Panthers Megatron On The Field, even if he's not Megatron on the combine (after all who is)!??

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