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Posts posted by CarolinaNCSU

  1. I'm one of the obnoxious lovers of the Wire. It's still #1 for me, but Breaking Bad is gaining steam and has the chance to have a better ending (not better show, just better ending) IMO. 


    I'll now go have a wet dream of Walt and Omar somehow going into business together 

    • Pie 4
  2. Well I just made a purchase for something I have wanted for a long time and  the price I paid for it is criminal.....I'm going to jail for stealing this, lol





    The case alone sells for $90 



    cant wait for camp this year.


    The case it sweet, but the helmet looks like a knock-off or a cheap version of the replica.  The sticker looks off or something.   Regardless, the price is still awesome for the case. 

  3. Doesn't he play guitar/bass?

    Yes, but doesn't mean he plays it well. The main thing I have against Weezy is the insane blind following he has that thinks he is the best rapper ever, etc. But this is too many words. Back to picatures.

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