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Posts posted by CarolinaNCSU

  1. We will see.  Still not hopeful. 


    But if JR will listen, can forgive him, and want him back, and Hardy is serious about playing for below market value...sign him.




    JR, knows he doesn't have much time left for a Super Bowl...could be interesting to see what his decision is here. Risk it and sign Hardy, or keep "protecting" his team/it's image 

  2. If by "Ready to Spend" he means on Cam and Luke, then sure. 



    I'd love Cobb or someone similar as much as the next fan...but I like the idea of locking Cam up more, and then having a path set in the next couple of years to pay Luke, Star, KK, and KB. We'll grab a stud in FA soon...but I think we're still a year away. Unless some major restructuring happens. 

    • Pie 4
  3. Do I need to have watched BB in order to watchand/or get this show? I watched the first 45 mins or so last night and it was really good... I stopped at the part where he made the plan with the skateboarders at the intersection.


    Too early to tell, but I would say no since I'm sure they'll distance themselves from BB somewhat.


    To fully understand Saul right now? Yes. To fully understand little nuances like the opening scene at Cinnabon? Yes. It's going to be it's own show, but having watched BB as a prerequisite would obviously be ideal. 

    • Pie 2
  4. Aaron Paul tweeted yesterday along the lines of, "can't wait for everyone to see the surprises ahead"...



    I think it's a forgone conclusion that Jesse will make an appearance at some point. Minor characters like Badger as well maybe? And probably WW down the road as a cliffhanger on a season finale or something. 

    • Pie 1
  5. Any state fans have any info on Rob Crisp?


    Big time talent coming out of high school, GREAT dude (had a few classes with him)...but can't stay healthy for the life of him. Would be a nice pickup in the 7th or as an UDFA and hope for the best because he has talent. I just fear he'll continue on his injured history and never reach his potential. 

    • Pie 2
  6. Even if a guy like Free comes in and does end up playing LT...



    We'll be drafting an OT prospect to groom...who won't be ready to play LT. Honestly, an average LT is probably our best case scenario for 2015. He plays to give the line some stability, as we groom the rookie future LT and he steps in during the 2016 season. 

    • Pie 1
  7. I still don't think he's ever coming back to Carolina...



    BUT, if he apologized, is found innocent, and wants to play on a short/cheap deal (fully guarantee it if need be), let him come back. Say for instance, 2 years, 8-10 million (just guarantee half of it if GMan is wary)...I mean, that's a helluva deal for Carolina, something the Kraken can live with, and a chance to prove himself. 

  8. I know I've already commented in this thread...but I just re-started the Wire last week and it's honestly not even that close for me anymore...


    Breaking Bad is number 2. The last 5 episodes of so of BB may be my favorite sequence of any show...but the Wire is just fuging phenomenal. And "real", which helps for some reason to me. 

    • Pie 1
  9. truly phenomenal. the filming issues in maryland got fixed and iirc the third season released in two weeks.


    Feb. 27th...I was sad to find it's not being released on Valentine's Day like last year. 

    • Pie 1
  10. I was lucky enough to have my parents pay for everything, no financial aid or student loans.



    Just to echo what has been said though, all my friends with loans constantly talk about how much of a bitch they are, and they came out making damn good engineer money. Out of state? Yeesh...it's your life and you should obviously do what you want, but at least reconsider that poo. 

  11. If nothing else, I like Chandler at LT solely for being more athletic than Bell if it truly is an open competition. His athleticism will allow him some leeway on his mistakes. Bell, yeah he'll stand there blocking air.


    Not to mention Cam has a better view of Bell at RT, not allowing him to get blindsided into next week. 

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