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Posts posted by CarolinaNCSU

  1. The more I think about it...Long is the definition of a stop gap for us if he's this close to retirement. Convince him to play a year on an incentive based contract (while also paying a decent salary), groom the drafted OT, Long retires into the sunset with a Super Bowl ring. 

    • Pie 1
  2. Ginn obviously is an upgrade to Bersin, but to me, the "idea" of Ginn alone is well worth the signing. Based on reputation as a returner and speed, he'll keep teams honest instead of licking their chops seeing Bersin on the field. 

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  3. If/when Ginn signs, I'd still like to find a WR in the draft with return ability. Ginn will help the return game next season obviously, but he's also a mediocre at best WR with alligator arms on long balls.


    Sign Ginn, draft Lockett, profit. 

    • Pie 4
  4. give me one reason why I should be excited about Oher?  He was bad his last couple of years at Baltimore, and abysmal last year.  How is he an upgrade?


    While I get what you're saying...he's not Bell. Or Chandler. So that in itself is a victory, albeit a small one. 


    He'll come in and be average at best I'm sure...but frankly it's the best we can hope for unless we draft a stud OT. 

  5. Season 3 was weird to me...aspects I loved, aspects I felt were rushed, but overall another good season. 



    The door is open for tons of stuff for season 4 and beyond. The election, Frank/Claire's separation, Frank's obvious bi-sexuality (his political undoing?), Stamper coming back in the fold, the book/writer, and oh yeah, the Russia situation which could lead to war. 

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