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Posts posted by CarolinaNCSU

  1. With Bene's play last season, and Tillman being old/coming off injuries....I don't see how it makes sense not to have Bene on the field as much as possible.


    But, Rivera gonna Rivera sometimes. It'll work itself out come game time...I hope. 

    • Pie 1
  2. I'd like to see it.  I'd love to trade for an established player, potentially an up and coming guy on the wrong team. 

    But also wouldn't mind either trading up in the draft, or even down a few spots. Picks 8-15 or so are all on the same level to me. 


    I'd just like to see something done.  The roster is meh at best right now, with no real improvement in the near future unless they find an absolute gem.  Kemba is who he is, great at times but just decent to good most of the time, SG hole is obvious, MKG is good but will never be an all-around threat IMO, who knows with the kids at PF if they'll reach anything, and Al is Al but potentially on the decline. 

  3. ​i rode through there on a bicycle on my way to the beach a few years back and it took me like twenty seconds to get through town... on a bicycle.

    ​And to think, it was the runner-up to be the state capital.

    It's a town that could explode in the next couple of years due to some industrial megasites coming in...but like you said, it's tiny. More cows than people for the most part.

    • Pie 1
  4. Yeah, the catch made him an almost urban legend type player last year.



    But, dude was ridiculous. Eli was throwing the ball away left and right...he only played 12 games (really only 9 where he was productive/the #1), and still was ridiculous.


    The 9 game span I'm talking about...81 rec, 1,199 yards, 9 TDs


    KB in 16 Games - 73 rec, 1,008 yards, 9 TDs

    • Pie 4
  5. I don't know what it is, but I've got the weirdest feeling that Funchess is going to explode for us and be the perfect WR for Cam. It's going to be hard for me to contain my excitement about him after I've built him up in my head since last week. 



    KB was pretty great for a rookie last year, but if he ends up being our #2, I won't hate it. 

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