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Posts posted by CarolinaNCSU

  1. Hard to imagine we don't cut bait with Teddy at this point.  Wait for the dust to settle, and then ship him to Washington/Chicago/San Fran or whoever misses out on a top QB for a conditional pick. 

    Even if we have to go after a guy like Darnold depending on what the Jets do, Teddy has to be done here. 

    Edit - If the above comes to fruition and we swing and miss on every "good" vet and top few rookies, our rebuild is also set back even more.  You can't start Mac Jones Week 1. Instead of losing more games this year, we're going to build a tiny bit of hope in 1 year, only to come crashing back to tanksville in year 2 if we have to trot out Grier/PJ.  Great plan! 

  2. 12 minutes ago, MHS831 said:

    Question: Would the Panthers have to forward the contract and revise/extend it?


    To me, if we get Watson the "contender" window starts creaking open.  I don't want to restructure everyone under the sun, but think we see a few moves to give us more space and sign help for now instead of the "slow" rebuild.  Watson included in that. Hopefully we're letting his agent know that if he comes to the Panthers, he'll be taken care of contract wise. 

    • Pie 1
  3. I still probably prefer to let Cam play it out and prove he was done here, but even after he's let go (right move in the long run), you toss PJ/Grier to the wolves instead. 

    People talk about the Washington win, but signing Teddy is what actually set this rebuild back from the jump. BEST case scenario was 6-7 wins. We honestly overachieved last year compared to what most of us thought we would be. We half-assed a rebuild, and now we're faced with the decision of further hampering ourselves picks wise to make a move for a QB...that we hope is the answer.  Watson hurts our chances to fill out a team, but solves the QB situation for a decade. We trade picks to go after a rookie, and hope he's the guy but it's uncertain.  Picking #2 or 3 right now, or having that trade chip, alleviates a lot of issues.  Instead, Teddy piloted the ship to mediocre purgatory. 

  4. I'm almost to the point where I don't trust many QBs from the typical college powerhouses. Obviously there's a few exceptions to the rule, but going from an elite OL, elite weapons who get 5+ yards of separation with regularity, elite running games, and elite defenses to a lack of essentially all of that creates one helluva learning curve.  Saw it with Tua this year, waiting on guys to get open instead of anticipating the throw. Some of the same with Jalen Hurts.  Their mobility helps...which Mac Jones has little to none of. 

    I just don't see a single thing about Mac Jones that's elite.  His accuracy is his best quality, but even with that, he's been throwing to Devonta Smith with 10 yards of separation instead of throwing to a WR who's yet to make a cut.  Could be great, sure, but it would be about the most milquetoast pick imaginable even in the 2nd. 

    • Pie 1
  5. 9 hours ago, Anybodyhome said:

    How much do you think the situation you're dealing with varies from one county to another, given each has their own BOE, and the BOE has their own agenda? 

    Completely dependent on the BOE and why there's so much variance based on your district right now.  I have some neighboring counties that are already remote all year, some that have been Plan A already, it's all just a grab bag depending on your BOE.  And from that, the BOE members themselves took a drastic turn following elections.  Once many of them were re-elected, a few did complete 180s on previous stances.  It's never been about the kids, because frankly county decision makers and BOE's don't know dick about the kids or what schools are actually like. 

  6. Rants of a teacher ahead, but the charts in the OP aren't telling much of the story if we're only looking at grades.  On top of that, let's also be real...a lot of grades are meaningless and are more about compliance than actual standards mastery.  My school for instance, has weirdly (to us as well) seen increases in some testing data this year. Some students grades have gone up. And obviously, some kids are completely MIA. 

    Remote learning was always impossible, but shined light on and amplified the issues that were already present.  Lack of funding, lack of resources, half-assing 100 things instead of making the important stuff great, lack of parents giving a poo, etc.  At least in my district, the last time teachers were surveyed or our opinions were asked for was back in September.  Decisions have been made by the BOE and county admin that don't make a bit of sense in a classroom setting.  Teachers obviously aren't innocent here either, as I've seen a couple from my team that are checked out.  

    It wouldn't solve all of the issues, but the "main" issue in the OP concerning grades could've easily been better dealt with if parents took 5 minutes to check PowerSchool. Instead, they believe their kid, don't pay attention to messages from the teachers or progress reports, and then are shocked to find out their kid failed not because of their abilities, but their irresponsibility and lack of turning in assignments. Some faults on districts here as well.  Instead of making a cool viral rap video about wearing a mask...make a 2 minute tutorial showing parents how to check grades. Schools make it damn near impossible to fail anything in the regular setting.  During remote learning? To fail currently, you literally don't show up for 5-8 weeks, never turn in an assignment (that don't have due dates), and essentially avoid all contact from teachers/admin/counselors/resource officers. 

    • Pie 1
    • Flames 1
  7. Loving this so far.  Just went down a rabbit hole where supposedly there have been some X-Men clues.  Combined with the Vision actor saying the end scene will blow people's minds, a surprise actor, etc., I'm thinking Hugh Jackman or even Patrick Stewart show up in the finale to "officially" bring the X-Men into the Marvel fold. 

  8. Stafford is a nice consolation prize, but a consolation to losing out on Deshaun or a top QB in the draft.  If Stafford is the first domino to fall, can't imagine we're the winners of that sweepstakes.  Nor should we be. Swing for the fence with Watson, and then plan on drafting a QB and trotting Teddy's ass out for a few games if necessary.  Trade him at the deadline, let the rookie takeover, we have hope again. 

  9. 45 minutes ago, Jon Snow said:

    Do you honestly want Teddy mentoring a rookie QB?  He takes no responsibility for his mistakes and is a terrible decision maker on the field.   Not sure what he has to offer anyone at this point.  He did this to himself.

    Oh, I 1,000% agree.  Shoot Teddy into the moon for all I care.  He should've never been signed in the first place, but the prevailing thought was always" bUt hE KnoWs thE SystEM" and would help the young guys/future QB.  

  10. I'm honestly expecting Teddy to be cut or traded at this point.  Some of the subliminal and even pretty obvious shots he's getting from leadership don't exactly make for a friendly environment next year.  A pissed off lame duck QB may not be too thrilled about mentoring a rookie QB who's replacing him. 

    • Pie 3
    • The D 1
  11. 26 minutes ago, AceBoogie said:

    I mean they wanted him, signed him, paid him, and cut Cam for him so the egg is on their face. Not like they inherited Teddy, they went out and got him. 


    Two options with this.  It's either good that the staff is willing to admit their mistake and move on instead of pretending he's the guy, or we should be scared shitless that the staff has no clue what to look for in a QB.  Not like Teddy didn't have plenty of tape to watch and see he wasn't the answer. 

  12. For those worried about the rebuild, I would assume everyone wants to stay at 8 then for a QB?  Because if you support the trade up to #3, based on what the Eagles gave up for Wentz as a barometer...

    • 2016 #13 pick, 2016 3rd rounder, 2016 4th rounder, 2017 1st rounder, 2018 2nd rounder, 2 players. 

    The above, is essentially 3 1st round picks if not more.  For Carson Wentz.  

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