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About CarolinaBip

  • Birthday 06/30/1969

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  1. Will we ever see a complete pass down the field from Bryce?????? Straight down the middle?
  2. On the bright side, maybe I can get tickets to the home games at a lower price?
  3. Seattle bout to force us to safety ourselves..give them 2 points..
  4. It's baffling how some of us are still content with mediocrity after all these years of living in the doldrums of mediocrity.. As a lifetime fan of this team, I will not apologize for wanting a winning culture. And if you are looking to engage in a pissing contest about my post, opinions, or the manner of how I post, please look elsewhere for that. There are others in the huddle far better suited to engage you in that than I.
  5. Was this the best money could buy?..Really?
  6. This team is like... Clock in..go through the motions.. don't care.. Check out..
  7. I guess you got to fire some people and trade some people to get some football played with heart around here..
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