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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. fixed, at least for my perspective. gettis may be faster and more athletic, but from the sound of it hixon may understand more about the game and his role and respnsibilities, ie he may require less coaching and work than gettis would.
  2. gettis hasn't shown me anything that would make me believe he could "stay healthy".
  3. not a big deal only going with 5 WRs. barner will probably be lined up as one a lot, same with one or two TEs.
  4. i think he's got the potential tobe the third most dangerous guy on offense behind cam and smitty. i just hope shula can use him the right way and move him around everywhere and get him involved. has cam connected with him much?
  5. same ol smitty from what i've seen from reports out of TC. nothing to worry about unless you just want something to worry about. take no news as good news.
  6. interezting about barner running low. that seemed to be one of the biggest criticisms of him from people after watching highlights.
  7. good stuff. did the oline open up holes in just the hurry up period or was it throughout? it seemed from the tweets that it wasn't until they practiced with the hurry up O that they looked good against the defense.
  8. i think we'll keep on doing a lot of zone so that's not that big of a deal. very rare that we break out into man coverage anymore.
  9. what i would love is for these clowns that get national attention and get on tv to say that stuff with cam or better yet someone from the panthers there. he'd never do it, though because he's pretty much a bitch. and yes, i realize that I'm saying that as someone using a pseudonym on a message board, but I'm not the one getting paid for this poo.
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