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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. i'm pissed because they always do it and they always get away with it with just a slap on the wrist. had this been another team, there would be someone banned for a year at least. and every time they do this, it's like reaggravating an old injury. just when you think you've gotten over it they do it again and remind you that the lombardi could have been ours.
  2. patriots cheat and get away with it. it's what they do and it's the only way that they can get their lombardis. what's amazing to me is the number of people in here siding with the patriots and either minimalizing what they did or defending them against the big bad nfl. they robbed us of a superbowl win by cheating and they cheated to get themselves back to another one. they've probably been doing this kind of thing for a long time just like they were doing the videotaping. i would be shocked if there weren't other ways they had been cheating. it's a culture thing there. win and do it in any way you can, whether it's within the rules or ethical or not. the thing that gets me is the number of people who will likely see that as an admirable trait.
  3. fwiw, i told someone we had our own twin peaks in carolina now.
  4. smash & dash? shake & bake? razzle & dazzle? double trouble? sorry...having a flashback.
  5. impressive. both guys got it, even while disagreeing.
  6. i think that this is the WR corps heading into the season. bersin will be a numbers casualty. boykin being a legit STs guy is what will help him get a spot over bersin.
  7. i don't care about him making the WR corps. the dude did what he was called on to do very well in that regard. it's that whole ST thing that i want him far away from. with ginn back, i don't think we have to worry there.
  8. probably a good idea. even aceboogie is more rational than you are being.
  9. you must be new to the falcon way of doing things. this is the team that hired a coaching staff before they hired a head coach. they are building their new stadium to resemble a sphincter and then name waste management as a primary sponsor. you can't make this poo up.
  10. oh no. he'll be facing us after missing 25 games? and just when is he allowed to work out with the team? i'm sorry, hardy is a threat....but after all that time off and with so limited amount to work with the team (i guess), i'm just not all that worried about him.
  11. i expect no less than 3 new threads with a 3rd four hours later and then another 2 days later wondering why there are no threads on it even though there are 2 others right there on the front page.
  12. just so you know, teams can (and are) skype with potential draft picks and it won't count as an official "meeting" with the prospect. just because we haven't called him in doesn't mean that we haven't been talking to him.
  13. i forgot about gov't mule and primus. seen each band twice and loved it. primus sucks, btw. i also forgot about rush. seen them a couple times as well. fantastic show. one of the times i saw primus was when they were opening up for rush. as a bass player, it was hard to top that night.
  14. i get along with both my side of the family and my wife's side. both sides are only an hour away from each other so the only bad part is that we have to run from one family thing to the other and usually have to eat one big meal just a couple hours after the other. both sides have young kids so my kids have kids to play with while the dad's either watch sports on tv (my wife's family) or go out fishing/hunting/walking around the woods/sitting around the fire (my side of the family). when we're with my family around christmas, we will often stay up late and play cards or board games (though we're kind of getting too old to stay up very late). all that might sound boring, but it's always been a nice break from real life. in fact in my younger days, my home was always where friends from college would come to recuperate from the stresses of school life. now it's pretty much just family that comes around, but there's a lot of us. there are some good friends that come over as well from time to time and hang out after they get done doing their family things. most of us live fairly close to each other, but get too busy to see each other very often so holidays are a good excuse to get together. they are far from sucking. in fact they've always been great in my book and since i have had kids it's become even better. i think that's the way it's supposed to be and i'm glad to be part of a situation like that and hope it continues that way the rest of my life.
  15. Best (not necessarily ion order) Tedeschi Trucks Band (midnight in harlem was one of the most incredible musical experiences in my life) Allman Bros Robert Plant's Band of Joy (not ony a huge fan of zepplin and plant, but a big fan of darrell scott, patty griffin, and byron house who all were with him in the band) Bela Fleck & the Flecktones (not in the last 5-6 years, tho.) Leftover Salmon (pre-mark vann dying). i saw them probably more than anyone. quite a few times i was right there at the stage and would look at the set list and it was always funny that they would stick to it for the first 2-3 songs and then just totally wander off the list. you never knew what to expect (because they never knew what to expect) from show to show. Iron Maiden Def Leppard Hysteria tour (don't judge me. i was 18 and i have never seen so many girls in spandex in my life. it was amazing.) worst great white. i saw them twice in 2 years because of other bands they were with (whitesnake...another great show, and tesla). i didn't like them anyway and thought they were a band of hacks and never saw any redeeming qualities in them, but live they were worse. i wish they were boring. they were just bad. the absolute worst thing was i know that a lot of these big bands create a set list and stick to it so by the time you see it they've done the exact same show dozens or even hundreds of times, jokes/stories and all...but the stories that the singer told were so bad they were burned and scarred into my memory and i was amazed that he didn't change a thing in two years.
  16. some teams are going to look at that and see that the price for pumping in crowd noise isn't all that bad and feel it's worth the advantage.
  17. totally agree. also gives us the freedom to choose a long term prospect guy instead of a guy we have to count on starting from day one. this gives us the ability to develop someone long term (that is if one or both of these two guys isn't a long term solution).
  18. mean streak or not, he and oher are insanely better than who we had last year. those two with our interior line and remmers for rotational work makes for what cam has never had...a complete, reliable and solid OL. none of our OTs may be all-pro, but seriously, do they have to be? all we need is reliable. oher is healthy now and back with the OL coach that helped make him so good in baltimore and martin is in a very good and stable lockerroom situation (ie, no drama). and consider this....oher, martin, and remmers is the base for what we have to work with heading into the season. they are the foundation that can be built upon and added to. even if we do nothing else, the OL as a whole unit is much better than it was last year or even the previous year (and no i'm not saying either are better than gross).
  19. you were told wrong. http://chronicle.northcoastnow.com/2015/03/26/nfl-commissioner-roger-goodell-says-nfl-ttreating-browns-game-texting-serious-offense/ part f the reason kyle shannahan left the browns was supposedly because he felt uncomfortable with the GM and other members of the personnel dept. sending texts to the field. one of the big issues is that they were sending the texts from the press box. from what i understand, the texts were more opinions and suggestions rather than orders or something as nefarious as communicating with the other teams. they seems to have been pretty harmless and more just annoying to the coaching staff having the GM and guys from personnel meddling. but rules are rules. you can't use those devices on the sidelines. communication is limited to the headsets and that one phone line to the booth.
  20. i'm pretty much a minimalist. i have 2 pairs of khakis and one pair of jeans that i rotate (in addition to pair of cargo pants and work jeans for working outside). i wear the khakis more than the jeans because they are more comfortable so they get washed a bit more, but even at that it's only twice a month for the khakis and probably once a month for the jeans (and every couple months for the working outside pants). a and no, they don't stink. obviously, if i spill something on them or sit somewhere that leaves a mark i will throw them i will throw them in the wash, but that isn't often. i also only take a shower every couple days and if my hair didn't get greasy it would be less often than that. if it isn't really warm out i won't use deodorant. i'm just not a dirty smelly person. i mean when i work outside i will sweat and get dirty, but i'll take a shower after that and my work pants will just go on a pile in the laundry room waiting to be used another time.
  21. according to a lot of the PMs that i have made the mistake of actually opening up and reading over the last couple years may have given myself more credit than i deserve with that description.
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