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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. I think it's just better to cut our losses. Trade him for cheap and let him be someone else's project. I liked him. And then he had to go and play and ruin it all.
  2. At this point I would prefer OL throughout. I would not, however, "be against" drafting one of those two.
  3. acceptable draft strategy for this year: NBOL (Nothing but OL)
  4. #1, 2, and 3 priority is to beef up that OL. Give darnold a chance to ball in a much better situation with an OL that doesn't suck. If he works out, great if he doesn't, keep searching but know that whatever QB you get will be protected.
  5. The only non OL I want in this draft is Pitts, especially in the first couple days. And I would prefer big and brutal OL at that and a smart center. 1) Pitts> Sewell> Darrisaw 2) Little (if Pitts is the pick) > Vera-Tucker> Creed Humphrey 3) Quinn Meinerz > Aaron Banks
  6. He'll definitely be a lot more interesting to watch than teddy.
  7. It would be frustrating move but it may be a necessary one to get our guy.
  8. Either we trade for it or someone else does and takes the available QB we have our eye on. That's the only way it makes sense.
  9. He'd be better and more interesting than teddy. Sure, why not? If we can't get who we want, throw him into the mix.
  10. Nutty, I know, but there is a possibility that lawrence might just be a bit overhyped. It happens.
  11. No. Drafted because he interviewed well, nothing else. and everyone responsible for drafting him is gone....so should he be.
  12. Kind of the second best thing we can hope for at this point (first best being Watson didn't do poo and gets cleared and we snag him...not likely). I like mond more than mac. Think he's got more room for growth and I think jimbo held him back. On top of that, while I think Chris Simms is a bit nutty with his QB rankings this year, I wasn't sold in his rankings in previous years and he turned out right about a lot of people. I'm skeptical, but based on his history he's more likely to be right than wrong...and yes, that means I might also be wrong about mac and Simms might be right.
  13. Yep. I've waited 25 years. I don't think I've got another 25 years to wait.
  14. It's either Watson or we put all the pieces together this year to make the perfect situation for our new QB to walk into next year. I can wait. I'm just tired of waiting.
  15. So we better hope he does because we don't have any other options.
  16. We better hope there isnt much to all this because he may be our best hope at this point. Even if all this is valid, is it better to have a douche QB and win or a decent guy and suck?
  17. I think we liked the idea of obada rather than the reality. Losing him doesn't really hurt us. He was a fan favorite with a little bit of potential that probably wasn't going anywhere.
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