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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. that receiving corps is insane. can not WAIT to see it in action.
  2. i really felt bad for the guy, especially after getting booed off the field here. i remember his brother used to post in here when david first got here during training camp and he was so proud of david and you could tell he was really trying to pump the guy up in every way he could, but there was too much damage done.
  3. normally i am more than ok with a division rival having a crappy HC, but schiano was dangerous. i mean he was going to get someone killed. that whole poo with blitzing on the final play kneel down twice...i mean what a putz. if he didn't get someone seriously hurt with his crap, he was going to get himself hurt by either a player or coach from another team or by someone on his own team. EVERYONE hated him, probably none more than the guys on his team. i honestly felt bad about them. well...not really, but i could have.
  4. the big thing i remember is that he came in here shell-shocked. I mean the guy was absolutely pummeled for years. Sacked almost 250 times in 5 year, three of those years he led the league in sacks. i looked and in his rookie year he was sacked 76 times. the guy never had a chance. he had no help from houston at all. i don't know how mentally secure he was heading into houston, but by the time he got here he was a shell of a guy. he needed time to recover and i guess the plan was to sit behind and be mentored by an aging jake and then eventually take over. i think it was a good plan because carr had some real talent, but mentally he was beaten down. the problem was that jake got beat up by tommy johns and carr had to take over. they brought in vinny to take pressure off, but vinny was about ready to start receiving social security checks and enroll in medicare so he was limited in what he could do. carr had to take over before he was mentally able to and it showed. he got booed off the field and then got put on the injured list missing a game because of "fragile psyche." essentially, he wasn't mentally ready to play when he got here and he was forced into it and it was a disaster for him and the team. the biggest difference between carr and darnold is the mental shape they were/are in when they got here. darnold got out before he was damaged goods and it seems like he's got a stronger mental foundation than carr did.
  5. i think i am. i don't think we'll be seeing a consistent scheme. i see it being constantly changing depending on who we are playing and what they are doing and i think it will be something that keeps opposing offenses frustrated. I'm really hoping that it will more like belichick's defense than anything we've ever seen here. i see us rushing 4 consistently, but from a variety of positions and out of a variety of formations. i think he has the personnel he needs to pull off what he wants to do unlike last year.
  6. i think what we see this year will be much different than what we saw last year...much more creative and aggressive. we were thin personnel-wise and very young. first year with the new D, first year without Luke. there was going to be an adjustment. that just isn't going to be the case this year.
  7. so that was you...hmmm. probably not a good idea to let that out.
  8. yes, but they weren't horrible last year. kind of middle of thee pack. they should be better this year. but yeah...the OL is the only thing that could hold him/them back, but i still don't think it will be much of a hinderance to their success.
  9. i have to admit while watching it....i teared up a few times. i'm an admitted mush, but that was done really well. i'm sooooo excited about this year.
  10. lol the 49ers had an absolutely AWFUL time finding a coach. Between '03 and '10 they had Dennis (rolling with Rattay because TO told me to) Erickson (9-23), Mike (i wanna wear a tie like daddy) Nolan (18-37), Mike (gonna show my ass) Singletary (18-22), and Jim (they couldn't find anyone else) Tomsula (1-0, 5-11). Then there was the Chip (but i practice fast) Kelly experiment (2-14). Of course they also fired the only winning coach they had in over a decade (Harbaugh) after one 8-8 season even though the previous three they had gone to the conference championship game. i think a worse problem for them than coaches had been their GMs. That team was just messed up for a decade and a half until Lynch came in. As bad as they were with their coaches, the lions and browns had it a lot worse. lions have had 4 winning seasons and no playoff wins and are on their 11th coach since 2001. Meanwhile the Browns are on their 12th coach since 2000 and have only had 3 winning seasons as long as the panthers have been in existence.
  11. Rhule and also Darnold have about as an ideal a situation as possible for both to succeed against historical odds.
  12. Looking forward to listening this weekend. Thanks for putting this together and out there for us. The more panther content we have, the better.
  13. I think two of the big problems with the transition has been 1) failure to adapt to a different game (though it's still fundamentally the same game and pro level is starting to look more like the college game do that's less of an issue). Probably a bigger problem has been 2) a disconnect with someone accustomed to dealing with young players vs. long term pro vets who, as time goes on and for lack of better wording, become entitled. Leading and motivating those two groups takes different skill sets. But look at what has happened to the roster. It's young...very young. Essentially all of the old guard is gone. With the exception of maybe CMC, DJax and Shaq, who has been around for more than a few years? Instead of stepping into an established culture, they have the opportunity to create a new culture with young players. And if Fitt and Rhule are as good at identifying and developing young talent as it appears or as advertised, there's no reason we wouldn't be able to constantly churn the roster and keep plenty of room on the cap, keeping only a few key players long term rather than being desperate to keep as many players as possible forever. If Rhule and his staff work better with young talent, they should be able to keep that roster filled with young talent.
  14. Yep, this is what he does and he does it well. If it was just one team, you could argue a flash in the pan but it wasn't. What he does was very evident to anyone paying attention and I'm just glad we got him when we did.
  15. For me it's been a breathe of fresh air. Both Rhule and Fitt fit the young, progressive, and analytical model I've been dreaming about for well over a decade. I'm all in because I'm seeing the things I was hoping I'd see. They've been unpredictable in a lot of ways which has been invigorating. This is a panthers team being put together and run totally different than anything we've seen before. I'm not expecting immediate be success. What I expect is a leadership that is constantly working to improve what they do rather than hold on like a pit bull to some ancient style of doing things. A big thing for me is they aren't afraid to recognize and move on from mistakes and in that they instantly become better than anything we've had before.
  16. he's going to have to create another account if he's going to do that.
  17. speaking my language. i think i know what i'm doing for lunch tomorrow....or Sunday....or both.
  18. there isn't much better on this planet. that stuff is addictive. the spicier, the better. give me a side of red coleslaw and i'm in my happy place..
  19. That's your take? Lawdy you got problems.
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