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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. I had forgotten that he was one of them and a prick about it.
  2. Fox, Rivers, Hurney, Gettleman...all of them knew more about the game or the team. Doesn't mean that they weren't wrong and weren't idiots about what to do with their knowledge. They knew more, but many of us fundamentally knew better what to do with the team.
  3. Would probably be a Brady/belichick fan.
  4. He's making the tiniest and most awkward hoops to climb through to "prove" why Darnold won't work under this belief that his approval is needed. Not worth the bother.
  5. I was never that much of a fan, but those two rings and that last name are gonna get him in. All the other guys I can see a case for, but Sproles? I got nuthin'.
  6. We've got a whole new FO down there. Not that we were familiar with the old one, but it gives fans a connection to the new one. I like it. Sure it's controlled, but it's something. They are trying to connect rather than keeping us ignorant and in our place like JR did.
  7. Probably teddy. But Marshall and Dan Arnold will be leaned on a lot there.
  8. Not buying Slye, but the rest... sure, why not? I think marshall will be not a highly targeted guy between the 20s so receptions and yardage will be low, but this guy in the end zone will be a beast. DJ will be fun to watch. Getting another 1k this year will be hard but he can pull it off.
  9. They were low balling. They probably got him about where they wanted. I can't imagine hurney letting someone handle a negotiation like that without calling back himself later and apologizing and offering double.
  10. Tell me to shut up and see what happens.
  11. I think we are currently in better shape, but yeah....that overall record....it is what it is. We are what our record says we are. We have to prove we're better.
  12. as much as i hate to admit it, bucs already had some really good pieces in place. they have had some really good players on defense already and looked to be putting it together the year before. they had some good receivers and a good TE there already, and they had a decent OL...at least the interior of the line was good. plus they had a good coach and a good GM. they were only a good QB and a couple other pieces away, apparently, from making a playoff run. jameis winston had been holding that team back...and i was fine with that. jets have pretty much been straight garbage for a long time. they have not had a good GM or a good coach in years. it's not a good landing place for anyone.
  13. the reason that i am as high on sammy is that he isn't the safe game managing option that teddy was. i want NOTHING to do with that. i don't want him to play i safe. i don't want him to be just a system guy. i want him to be in an offense that spreads out the offense, gives him lots of options, but also lots of freedom to play sandlot ball and be the scrambling gunslinger that i know can win us games and make it fun to watch.
  14. so what you are saying is...we've got legit options and a little depth?
  15. one advantage that sam has over carr was the situation that they came into. the coaching staff that carr walked into was not known for developing players, esp. QBs. fox didn't want anything to do with that. the OC at the time, Jeff Davidson..... The QB coach, Mike McCoy....he was a nice guy, but he wasn't a good coach at all. meanwhile, developing talent is this coaching staff's specialty. rhule is a teacher by education and a psychologist by nature. i just can't imagine a better situation and atmosphere to be brought into if you were trying to do a reboot on your career and were willing to put in the work.
  16. basic human understanding and perception. Some people are more broken than others. some people are able to handle adversity better. some people have endured more and bear the results more. any of these factors come into play here. darnold is younger and had less time in a bad situation with less battle damage than carr. carr was absolutely not ready mentally to start again. that much was clear from anyone around him or close to the situation. very few who know darnold or have been around darnold or who are close to the situation feel that he isn't ready to take on another starting job. there is a huge gulf between their situations and personalities and mental readiness in stepping into another starting job after their first one. carr ≠ darnold
  17. there were no redeeming qualities about that team. pure poo on all levels for years. much of the reason for that trainwreck was charlie casserly who was engineering that whole thing. that's why i can't stand listening to anything he says. he has NO credibility whatsoever.
  18. i wish there was some way we could get rhule to coach the senior bowl again without sucking. it's such a good opportunity.
  19. don't forget chuba is a good receiver himself and then there's dan arnold and it looks like they are going to be working up tremlble as well. this offense is frikkin stacked.
  20. a few years back i got into some argument in here with someone who said professional teams wouldn't and didn't use smokescreens thinking that it was just a myth. these guys know how to manipulate the media and other teams. they are always playing the game with each other. plus these upcoming players have agents who are also playing the game as well. you never know who to trust or not trust so you take every thing you read and hear with a grain of salt. teams that play it really well you never know what they are going to do.
  21. you could tell the bucs really didn't like that call but they did it anyways. i don't think it would have taken much for a full on mutiny. supposedly he treated every single player like a child and yelled at them constantly like they were idiots. gruden was known to be a demeaning and condescending jackass to the players, but i don't think he was anywhere near the level of schiano.
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