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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. sucks for him and the titans and my fantasy team.
  2. as for this particular one being a hospital ball...he's thrown some for sure, but this wasn't one of them. like has been said, some of it is on DJ for not completely doing his job which was supposed to at least distract the safety from Robby. the rest is on the safety. it was an ugly hit but it was also a good play that if he were one of our guys i would be applauding it. i'm just honestly shocked that robby held on to the ball. shows that he can.
  3. i'll just say it...shaq is a stud. didn't know just how much he is until you watch the defense without him and then with him again.
  4. we have one person who posts here (and whose account i keep deleting but he keeps coming back for more) who is enamored with him. anyone within even a glimmer of curiosity about him...i think that went away when he actually got behind center. even that one person who keeps creating accounts went from 10 accounts a day to 5 in the last week after PJ got under center.
  5. We need Vinnie Testerverde. Or maybe Josh McCown or pull Alex Smith out of retirement. We just need that older guy who can step in for a game or two and mentor Sam. A guy that wouldn't mind being that guy on the sidelines. There must isn't much out there like that.
  6. And the big lesson you learn running a business is that the customers weren't actually always right. Too emotional and prone to being overly nostalgic.
  7. Made of glass? Seems like the perfect QB to team up with CMC on a team with a wet paper bag OL.
  8. Unless they're to be used in a mentor role, only attempts at long term solutions, please. And neither of those is Cam....so no.
  9. Ugh. Can't share opinions without insulting people who have a different opinion than you? Grow the fug up. Locking this up because I know where certain posters that I'm getting tired of dealing with are going to take it.
  10. I think that translates into he's going to Canada to coach lacrosse? I don't know. My Rhule translator is kind of funky.
  11. Sam needs a mentor. Some old QB on the sideline and meeting room that can help him out. I don't think he's ever really had that, has he? I mean if we're stuck with him for a while, give him what can help.
  12. I went straight from 2015 level excitement to Jimmy Clausen era blah in 2 weeks. Its not boring. I just don't care. I'll watch, but if I fall asleep it's no big deal or if I get asked to do pretty much anything else I'm probably going to do it. I'll catch the "highlights" later.
  13. by the 2nd half, with no good options left at QB, we have a repeat of the December 24, 2006 panthers/falcons game.
  14. i just think he (sam) has problems processing situations quickly. maybe what he was trying to say was that his body moves faster than his brain? (thinking about that clip that zod posted in that other thread.)
  15. I think we have seen his inability to manage an offense and put one together that makes the best use of the players he has. He's got great ideas, I'm sure. He just sucks at coordinating an offense that works with the tools he has. His offensive scheme depends on him being in an ideal situation with an ideal QB. That's not what he's got and he's got to figure out how to make it work. Imo, his inability to do that just shows he's weak as an OC and why he'll suck as a HC if he gets the gig. He can't adapt.
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