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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. close enough for a one letter word.
  2. yep. i mean you can try walker out but you won''t find it's any better at all. you roll with darnold because of the investment made in him and let it be a lesson to him and everyone else involved in the decision to bring him in without taking the OL seriously or trying to get clever without the knowledge and experience needed to do something clever. darnold needs to find out if he's got what it takes to be a starter in this league that can handle adversity (which he won't). and you let that lesson that this whole thing was a bad idea be driven into the ground all season so they don't have a chance to forget or make excuses. we'll suffer, but we were going to anyways.
  3. good. he should be. and the coaching staff deserves whatever is coming for them. i make an investment like that, you expect it to pay off.
  4. I'll just say that if this team intentionally tanks, I'll have no further respect for them and will probably quit this fan thing for a while. You fight. If you're a player or a coach, you fight until the end. If you don't, you shouldn't have a job. That said, we're already spiraling downwards so tanking doesn't need to happen. We're pretty much sunk. I just don't want any player on this team to be ok with losing....ever. And if this team does intionally tank, no one with any self respect is goi g to want to o play here and I wouldn't blame them. As for fans than want this team to tank as in intentionally losing...
  5. I do some of my best thinking there so this is what I think should happen. 1) ride this ugly horse home. Yeah, it sucks and I'm pissed, but we just have to ride it out. Why? So Tepper and Rhule and Fitt can learn some lessons, especially Rhule. First, Tepper needs to learn that maybe handing the keys to a kid right out of college without adult supervision might not have been the best idea and turn personnel decisions over to the guy who knows what he's doing, Fitt. It won't happen, bit it needs to. Rhule, since he'll still be at the wheel, needs to learn that this isn't a game. I mean it is a game, but you don't have to act like it is where you get "creative" in making personnel decisions. Don't take frikkin risks on reclamation projects at any position. Learn that you need to take OL more seriously and get guys that are proven good rather than guys you see something in. And btw, there are more colleges than Baylor and Temple. Branch out a little, numbnut. Then in the off-season... 2) Spend big money and draft capital getting the OL fixed. Target #1 Terron Armstead. Target #2 Ben Jones from Tenn. And then go big after some stud vet OG. Then take what will be your early draft pick and trade back picking up a second rounder and get the two best OGs in the draft. Fill the rest of the draft beefing up the OL. 3) Pick up some old QB like Fitzpatrick, keep Darnold (I suppose), and get Tyrod Taylor. We're not looking for the QB of the future here. Not yet. There's nothing special about these guys but at least the two FAs would provide some much needed vet wisdom and leadership for now and solid mentorship for whatever QB we draft the next year after the OL has been settled. Might even do Sammy some good. That's all. My legs are cramping up so I got to get off the toilet. You're welcome.
  6. Fuggin coaching staff was beat before the game even started bowing at the altar of belichick. And Sam....I don't want him to talk at all. I don't want any of them to talk. They're just throwing poo out there right now. They don't have a clue.
  7. Hes a pimple that needs popping. You know he'll be back in a day or two anyways.
  8. We don't need to be drafting any QBs until we get the damn line fixed.
  9. Chuck heard some words and threw them out there. This is what we get.
  10. Lost. These guys are lost. The whole team. Players and coaches.
  11. Nope. Not having that political poo in here
  12. The thing is Cam wouldn't last more than 3 games. He wasn't going to last more than 4 with the Pats. All he would do is screw up a good draft position.
  13. Rhule. This is his team. And I guess by extension Tepper who gave Rhule the power to get who he wanted. Bad idea. Hand Fitt the keys.
  14. We need an actual QB. Not someone we hope can be some day. One thing is crystal clear....Rhule absolutely SHOULD NOT be deciding on personnel.
  15. I'm not far from freeing up my Sundays. Apathy is better for me than being consistently pissed off.
  16. I mean how can we? Offense makes me long for the good ol days of 2007 and 2010. Defense is totally gassed by the 3rd quarter. We are done.
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