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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. Kalil is the bigger need. Keek would be nice, but Shaq is doing great and Carter is getting the job done just fine.
  2. coming full circle is better than changing course, staying the course, and walking off a cliff.
  3. he's done more with less. and the way it looked, brady was trying to run the offense like cam was in it. now he's got the real deal.
  4. i know PJ has been dreaming of this moment and he's probably done a lot of work to get ready...but screw it. Get Cam on the field as soon as possible. we didn't go get him to sit on the bench.
  5. better than the 20' tall ones we needed for PJ.
  6. just like a lot of people i was just sure of a "few" things...and i was wrong. i was wrong about the genius of rhule and brady. i was wrong about sammy turning into a competent option. now i was wrong about Cam not ever coming back. i'm sure there's a good few other things you all can dig up. One common theme, though.... i typically default to optimism when we try something different after we find ourselves stuck in a rut or fall in a hole. When we change course, i hope for the best and until proven otherwise (which happens pretty often...btw, thanks panthers for that) i try to find myself believing that it can be good and can work out, even if it's not what i would have done or thought best. i don't believe cam is anywhere close to the stud QB he was the first half of his time here before the league decided it was open season and let defenders headhunt without consequence and do long term damage to him physically and may have had an impact on him mentally (i know i'll catch some poo for that, but that was a lot of shots to the head the league allowed and he endured. CTE is real and it wouldn't surprise me if after he retires that he has to deal with it as will probably keek). anyways...i don't expect him to be the stud he was, but i hope he can make the game fun again. i know we are probably hoping for a low draft pick next year and us winning games won't help accomplish that, but dammit i'm tired of losing and if he can help that happen then more power to him. i didn't want us to get him. i thought the bridges between him and the panthers were burned and would never be able to be rebuilt. i have serious doubts about his ability to play at a high level....i could go on with reasons why i think this might not work. but i'm defaulting now to hope and that's a good thing because the only thing worse than having hopes crash in burn is not having any hope at all because when it gets to that point there's no point in continuing this thing called being a fan. tl;dr:
  7. I'm just gonna go ahead and lock it. I'm sure he's grateful for the concern and well wishes.
  8. He's fine. He had to take a step back to focus in some more important stuff. Imo, not a bad time to be thinking about something else other than the Panthers.
  9. The Rhule/Brady "braintrust" and their ability to make Sammy good. I wanted to believe. Turns out there is no Santa, sasquatch, or semblance of brilliance in that coaching staff.
  10. It ain't happening. It ain't happening. It ain't happening. It ain't happening. It ain't happening. It ain't happening.
  11. He's a proven stud and vet OL have a much longer lifespan than other positions. we can get 8-10 good years out of him which would be fine with me.
  12. to be fair, we've only had pennies to spend. that's not the case now. Go get Terron Armstead from the saints and try to snag Ben Jones from the titans or draft the best available center if you can't get Jones. Grab a top FA OG and draft a top OG. boom.
  13. Hes a free agent after this year. Saints can't afford him.
  14. Fix the OL in free agency and get the your starting QB in the draft (but pick up an old vet to mentor him). That's the ideal, imo.
  15. head coaches only have a realistic window of 3, maybe 4 years to get a ring depending on QB situation. if his goal is to get a ring...rhule is definitely not trending in the right direction.
  16. you see? creativity. he's got it. or at least it lives in his building.
  17. you know you love his creative title making skills and his incredibly interesting and thought provoking topics of conversation. there really is no one else like him.
  18. here's something to ponder....how many QBs did they have to ask before Barkley said yes?
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