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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. i'd say it wasn't as much an issue. he inherited a pretty good one to start with but he kept plugging in decent players as needed. it was at least a priority.
  2. fox was just as bad. i mean is that something we look for in a HC? is that a cultural thing here? i guess it is. how weird.
  3. i was getting ready to say it's like rivera never left.
  4. Y'all are nuts. We're drafting another corner.
  5. True. I think Fox was better than Rivera at that first part. Would Rivera had gotten to the Superbowl without Cam as QB and Luke running the defense? Fox kicked the team in the nads early (literally in their first meeting in together) and that woke them up. Rivera was too interested in being their buddy. He always wished he had a coach that coddled him so he coddled players like he wish he had been.
  6. in the last few years of fox we would have these discussions about whether or not to move on from him. i wanted him gone in 3 or 4 years before he was gone and people would argue to keep him because he was the best coach we ever had, after all he'd taken the team to the superbowl! why would we EVER want to move on from a coach that took us to the SUPERBOWL?!?!?!?! well...because we weren't getting any better. we had peaked early and had stagnated. moving on from him was the best thing to do and it was the truth several years before he was fired. for the first couple years rivera was here, we stunk, esp. that second year (or was it the third year? idk). there were all kinds of people pissed and wanted him gone (myself included), but somehow he stuck around for longer and we ended up going to the superbowl. because he took us to the superbowl should we have kept him around? nope. by that same token, since the guy we replaced him with has sucked so far does that mean we should have kept rivera around? nope. just means we shouldn't have replaced rivera with rhule. of course does this mean that we should stick with rhule for another couple years because after rivera sucked the first couple years and then he didn't (but then he did later)? *shrug*
  7. People have too strong an emotional attachment to players. We don't want them treated like commodities when we feel they are special, but when they don't live up to expectations, especially because they friggin keep getting hurt, we need to cut bait rather than extend them. But you mention that and people go beserk, but what happens when you don't treat them like commodities is this kind of poo. Choose what's best for the team long term rather than what's best for these special players we like so much.
  8. I do know if Rhule is still here, I don't want him poaching 2023 draft picks. Roll with what you got, buddy. You dug that grave. You best go ahead and get cozy.
  9. Yes, they put together a good defense. So long and thanks for all the fish. Now let's get a coaching staff that can put together a complete team and play a complete game.
  10. I'd rather find a way for him to be someone else's HoF caliber player who never plays because he's always hurt.
  11. This is a big thing. I have no problem hiring guys you know and have worked with before, but Rhule takes it way too far. His whole team would be made up of coaches and players from Baylor and Temple if it were up to him.
  12. Add Morgan to the decision making process and we'll be in good shape.
  13. I was just thinking that. It would be hard to choose who was worse between those two. The record doesn't tell the whole story.
  14. Only difference is that this guy takes the blah to a whole nother layer of suck. He's worse than either coach. At least with them we had a couple good years and there was some positive traction early. Rhule has absolutely nothing going for him.
  15. 1) yeah, it's another whiny thread 2) yeah, I know we're probably stuck with the suck for another year or so 3) yeah, I don't care. Hire a guy that knows how to coach grownups against other grownups. Hire a guy who knows the pro game. Hire a guy that knows how to surround himself with coaches that aren't in over their heads. But first, move on from this drowning man and the kid he hired to be OC and maybe that old guy he picked up at a truck stop in Wisconsin.
  16. His pro team has been pretty offensive.
  17. This season has been the worst roller coaster ride ever. Started off feeling great and that lasted a few games then I plummeted into the depths of blah and felt nothing. Then Cam came back and with it all the feels and excitement....but then the last two weeks happened and now...you know, I just don't care. We suck. We suck. We suck. We suck. Wake me up when we've got a coaching staff that knows the hell what they're doing.
  18. what measure is he using to decide of the process is right? nothing is working. what does work one week won't for the next 2 or 3. i just don't understand.
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