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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. i think the texans probably have it narrowed down to 1 QB they will do anything for and if they can't get him, they'll go another direction. texans have a defensive minded coach so it shouldn't be a surprise that fixing the offense won't be as crucial in his mind as it would offensive coaches.
  2. those who are worried about his durability are always going to be worried about it. he could be playing for 7 years before he misses time and you'll hear them all say, "you see, i was right! i'm always right. you all should have listened to me!"
  3. challenge a draft spot with another team by playing poker. you win, you swap picks. you lose and you give up pick(s) next year.
  4. Oh it's fine. This does keep us busy. It's interesting and it's good to be the topic of discussion for a while. It's exciting and no one knows for sure but people keep hearing it thinking they are hearing things which adds to the intriguie. You know it might be best for people that are bothered by all this discussion to just avoid the huddle until the draft. It sure as hell won't be getting any better.
  5. Same here. I'd try my hardest to get on board but it wouldn't be easy. With Young or Stroud, I'm all "giddyup!" With Richardson, I'd buy in but I'd have my fingers crossed and be a bit nervous. With Levis....
  6. You either scheme it in our you don't. You tailor your offense to fit your players after you've gotten players who fit your identity. If your identity doesn't depend on playing from under center, it's not a big deal to you. If you like plays from under center but like the player more, you fit what you do to the player.
  7. It's a concern, but only if you are dead set on running a lot of plays from under center. Here's the thing, though, you don't have to run plays from center....ever. the league has been running less and less plays from under center over the past 15-20 years. Good OCs can arrange it so you can have a lethal offense and never run it from center. It's nothing more than a preference. It's not a necessity.
  8. And every player is going to get hurt at some point.....every player is always at risk of a season or career ending injury at some point either by contact or a non-contact injury and there is absolutely no way to predict who it is or when it is. So draft nobody.
  9. So I'm an idiot. I'm not anymore worried about Young getting hit than I am any other because I know bad hits can happen to anyone. Again, it doesn't matter how big you are if you get hit in just wrong way at the wrong spot in the wrong moment. And you may take Stroud, but your team might be picking Young.
  10. You see, I think this is a legit concern then, because there's evidence that this has been an issue. Just how frequent a problem this has been would be the next area of discussion. I'm just not going to sit and ponder potential injuries for any player without any history of incident. Because if I did that for; ne I'd be doing it for everyone because I've seen catastrophic injuries of all kinds happen to players of all sizes. But until it's a demonstrative issue with a player, there is no issue. But then that's my opinion, my gut reaction to it all and I think that's what the whole debate comes down to ... what do you feel comfortable with and apparently it's a gut feeling and opinion that Young is at some point where you don't feel comfortable. But what you have to get comfortable with is that he might just be the pick. And if the is, you can sit and worry about the guy the whole time or just decide that he'll be fun to watch and worry about injury once there's an injury to worry about.
  11. Yes...I've seen that...read it ...and it doesn't say where it becomes an actual concern more than anyone else. Where is the line between acceptable and not acceptable risk?
  12. But it's always an issue for everyone getting hit, especially blindsided. Injury is unpredictable for everyone regardless of size. Degrees of injury is unpredictable for everyone. It's an unpredictable issue that doesn't care how big or small you are. He could be 3 inches taller and 30 pounds heavier and take one just right hit to the head his first game and career over. The durability of every player should always be a concern if it is a concern for any.
  13. But where is that line? At what point is it not a problem or at least an acceptable problem. That's what no one is saying. Where's that line where it's too much of an issue?
  14. But you are all coming up with this idea that at some point size becomes an issue for durability. Where is that line? Is there some sliding scale? Then where is it and where is the data to support it? When you say too small, where is the line where it's not an issue? What would have been an acceptable height/weight? How hard and fast is that line? What is it based on?
  15. Where is the baseline for it being a problem? People cry "he's too short!" "he's too small!" But where is that definitive line? Where is that line between too short/small?
  16. But is there evidence that smaller than average QBs are more prone to injury than larger ones? He'd probably be the smallest, but not the first smaller than average QB. Is there evidence to show that smaller than average players of any position are more prone to injury than larger ones?
  17. But Bryce is brilliant and it's like having another OC on the team, at least according to Bill O'Brien, so it will be ok I guess. He'd better be all that.
  18. What is clear to me is if you are staunchly for or against one of Young or Stroud, you'd better get used to it find peace with the idea that the one you don't want or would rather not have may be our pick. Whether you want them or not, it will likely be one of them so you might as well get on board.
  19. Would take guts to recognize that it is a symbol of pain and death to the thousands of families affected by gun violence and not want his very name and image to contribute to their pain.
  20. I'll tell you one thing, we'd have to drop the AR-15 moniker. I hope to hell he doesn't take #15 with him to the pros.
  21. Cam threw the ball a bit too hard starting out. His first throw (or one of his first throws) to Smitty in practice, iirc, resulted in Smith's fingers getting separated.
  22. Like I said before, his size does give me concern in his ability to see from the pocket and while he has adapted just fine to handle it, I'd rather not have a QB who relied on being mobile to properly scan the field. I'd be more than ok with it, but if I had to decide between the two and it was a pretty level playing field, I'd go with the taller one. I'm just not going to be paranoid about any QB getting injured more than any other one because from what I've seen, size doesn't matter. All it takes is one hit and they are done regardless of size.
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