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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. it's an act of total desperation. he's screaming out into the universe "I don't want anyone but CJ STROUD!!!!!!!" so far it's been humorous, but it's starting to become less so, esp. with this OP. I've (and the other mods) been trying to keep him around through the draft just for the entertainment, but it's starting to just get sad. i almost feel like the humane thing (mainly for us) to do is to just go ahead and get rid of him.
  2. There's a chance that any QB we draft will stink. I'm not going to sit here and worry about it, though. "OMG what if we pick the wrong one !!!!!!!!" What a waste of energy. I've said it before many times and I still mean it. I'll be happy with either one and Ive got confidence in this coaching staff and FO to make the right decision. If we draft a guy and he sucks, then I'll deal with it then. Until I see reason not to be excited, I'm going to be.
  3. I was sinking into the pit of apathy and was pretty much done with the team until they fired Rhule. Then Wilks got me back to ground zero and made it ok to be a fan and I'm grateful for that With this coaching staff, I'm feeling good about the future for the first time in a long time. Being in this position to draft.... whoever it is they draft...I'm really excited and yeah, it feels good
  4. Unless you've been banned here before and you're an alt, then it's a really short leash.....next to the edge of a cliff, and I've got a ball to throw and scissors to cut the leash with.
  5. probably not the best candidate for zone (at least not out of the gate), but i'd like Ringo across from Horn.
  6. i've probably been given a few of them. looking back, i probably shouldn't have answered the question "what do you want for Christmas and birthdays? you're so hard to shop for!" with "just get me a coffee mug. I don't care what it says."
  7. my kids got me that for fathers day. not sure what the message was suppose to be.
  8. it's better than the choreographed song they were planning on singing my sources told me was plan A.
  9. but that can happen to any QB, regardless of size and it's impossible to discern who that will happen to because one group of QBs isn't more likely to have those kind of injuries than any other according to the data. so what do we do? go ahead and draft and just hope that things work out or wait until the perfect unbreakable QB shows up and hope we're in position to draft him in that decade?
  10. good call @Ricky Spanish and @WUnderhill...he's gone. i mean he'll probably create another account and when that one shows up, we'll get rid of it too.
  11. they each got a fruit basket and a "thanks for participating in the process" card.
  12. with the size thing...it's understandable. with the race thing...it wasn't. there's a huge difference. the data may not be there to back up the assumptions, but there is a reason for the assumption that a smaller QB might be affected more by shots from a bigger player. concerns can and need to be alleviated. there is a concern that he might not be able to see as much of the field and that he might have to stay playing out of the shotgun. not a big deal, but a legit concern. the size thing is an issue for the team, but it's one they, i suppose, feel they can work around and that he's worth the extra steps/adaptation needed. the poo with cam was the stereotypes that black QB = running QB and that they wouldn't be able to pass very well and there were also implications that black QB = less intelligent. there were other stereotypes that existed that were just as toxic and unfounded. basically...it's a much different scenario.
  13. you're dancing around the issue. what makes you think it's going to be worse? what do you think is the singular issue that makes you think this is the same thing with Cam?
  14. yeah, it's been getting clearer the last couple for me. which is weird because for several weeks before that it seemed like it was Stroud. i guess the only weeks that matter, though, are the last couple leading up to the draft. i mean i've been excited about Young, Stroud, and even AR for a while...but my excitement has been spread out between the three of them. I'm starting to focus more on watching Young videos just to get an idea of what to expect. This next week is going to take forever.
  15. i've actually been hearing this for a while from a couple inside people. of course i heard some saying that Stroud was up there, but i was hearing more that Young was their top option followed by AR. I mean this is going back to right after the big trade. i was pretty fond of the idea of Stroud so, just because of where i had Stroud in my mind, it made more sense that it would be between Stroud and Young....especially because of comments from McCown and the reaction of those who went to Stroud's pro-day it looked like it was him that took the lead over Young. Could be that they liked him, but they were more impressed with Young and AR in meetings and with their ps2 scores.
  16. wait...what? ok, i'm just going to ask. what are you implying that the issue is? don't hint around. just say it so that everyone can see what you're meaning.
  17. this is not nearly the same issue(s) it was as cam. nothing compares to the issues there were with cam. i'm not sure where you're basing that poo off of.
  18. Man we're really starting to have to stretch for reasons to not draft him.
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