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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. Glad Shy is on our team.
  2. from what i've seen from Young, it would make sense. i mean i could see him being that guy.
  3. carolina 2023 = the best situation a rookie QB could have fallen into.
  4. which doesn't make a whole lot of sense because he has us finishing with a 10-7 record and winning the south. ...unless he thinks we'll be having a lot of come from behind wins.
  5. Hoping you weren't the only one with that story?
  6. I would love it, but CB is such a bigger issue.
  7. hochuli's son, shawn, is just as bad.
  8. Agreed. This is what Cam talked about regarding Young. Cam basically said the moment Young steps in the rest are going to step in right behind him. He's got that kind of presence and personality that people just gravitate abd listen to. It's lowkey, but it's definitely there and effective. I know a few are saying that they hope he doesn't get the C until he's got a year or so under his belt, but if this is the guy that the players say they want as captain, who are we to say otherwise? It's going to be interesting to see how it shakes out.
  9. You draft a QB #1 overall, you start him day #1. If he's not ready, you probably picked the wrong guy. Best way to get his feet under him is to get his feet on the field. You trust you picked a guy who can do it and you trust your ability to get him and the team ready. The only thing they lack heading into their first season is experience and there's only one way to get it. Get him ready and get him in the game.
  10. Agreed. Can't use Cam as a precedent because he walked into a much more established situation. Much younger team overall and Young is a very different style of leadership than Cam. Both very good, but very different. Cam was the guy you looked at on the field for inspiration and made you feel you could do anything, but outside of ganes he was a kid having fun and that fun was infectious. Everything about him was infectious. He was the guy you wanted getting you hyped up on game day and the guy you wanted leading you out of the tunnel. Young is the guy that sets the tone in practice. You know he's the guy who comes in absolutely prepared and you look to him because he knows what is going on and you know he's going on to use that knowledge to help you get hwe you need to be and together you're going to make big things happen. Seriously it wouldn't surprise me to see him made captain, but if he isn't, its a matter of him paying his dues.
  11. i changed the title. took me a minute, though. it wouldn't surprise me if he is or isn't. i honestly have no idea. i mean cam wasn't voted one for a couple years, iirc.
  12. i'm hoping new coaching staff/new defense/new position = new dominant burns
  13. i think burns is ready.
  14. Also the number of meaningful games he's played in to date. Edit: dammit @Ricky Spanish
  15. Thank you for your blessing. It's what we need and what we crave. You can sleep well knowing you tried your darndest to help us unreasonable fans see the dim light of low expectations.
  16. No, you're right. You've haven't told us that we can't be delusional unreasonable fans. All you've done is preached that we're not thinking right. Abd we all thank you for letting us know that we have a ways to go before we are good levelheaded and reasonable fans like you. Please continue to try and set us and our expectations right. Maybe one day we'll learn not to be excited.
  17. just some more unreasonable dancing here... and to that i say...
  18. if we don't dance now, when can we? if this whole thing flops, at least i had this summer of hope and optimism. i've had years of hopelessness and apathy. Why the hell wouldn't anyone want to take a chance on this and feel good about it all?
  19. we've been in the doldrums for maybe 8 years and this is the first year i think we've actually had an inkling of a reason to be excited and optimistic. i think i'm not alone in being tired of the doldrums and i'm not turning back. not until i'm proved that my optimism is misplaced. i'm going to enjoy this feeling good as long as i can and i'm going to milk it for everything it might have.
  20. "i never said you couldn't be foolish, unreasonable, and immature! quit putting words in my mouth!"
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