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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. you have just given a list of reasons why he isn't marketable.
  2. two richest owners in NFL... tepper - panthers walton - broncos anyone else see a trend?
  3. i've tried in the past watching a minute or two of clips on youtube. i really can't handle it. he may be spot on about tepper and all, but i'll have to take other people's words for it.
  4. Best thing Reich could have done for the team, the season, and his job as HC was to transfer playcalling duties over the Brown in preseason and only take over himself if it was a collosal failure. Head coach doesn't need to be the OC or DC. He doesn't need to be focused on one side of the ball. Oversee the whole game abdet your Coordinators take the lead on their phase. Hire the right people and trust them to do their job their way. You give them a direction and a desired result and you trust them to get you there
  5. Bad offense hurts the defense. An offense that can't score, can't get first downs, can't move the ball, and can't keep on the field all cripples a defense, especially over the course of a game. The longer the offensive ineptitude goes on, the worse the defense does.
  6. How long does it fugging take to figure out what you're doing isn't working?
  7. i would love this. it's always been my favorite way to travel. used it a lot when i lived outside of philly and when i spent a summer in the UK i used my britrail pass everywhere. i'd love at some point to take a train ride from the east coast to the west coast. would be a very long trip but i couldn't imagine a better way to do it.
  8. i mean if that's what he's doing...i guess it's his team and he can do what he wants, but that's unhealthy meddling. but if all he's doing as putting a lot of heat on a coach of an 0-5 team, then he probably should be. granted, that's probably not all he's doing.
  9. reich is the one that needs to reevaluate. it's tepper's responsibility to let reich know that what he's doing isn't enough and he needs to get that poo figured out.
  10. i didn't get the sense from those comments that he's meddling...just that he has the heat turned up and the pressure on. if that's meddling, i'm ok with that. i don't see a problem with an owner demanding results from the guys he's paying a poo ton of money to, especially after this past offseason. he through a LOT of money at coaches and he's seeing this kind of result? I don't think it's unreasonable to step up the pressure on reich and company. to do anything but that would show a flippant attitude towards the team. i would rather see that than an owner who throws money at it and then just sits back and doesn't care what happens or shows no ability/desire to hold his employees accountable after that.
  11. I'm wondering this too. Just trying to be more miserable?
  12. that's some kind of random bump there, @Green-Ghost
  13. there's also been a lot of constipation in that performance. just can't get it going and we're all bloated and miserable.
  14. don't worry, it's a long season. on the other hand... it's going to be a long season.
  15. more just a symptom of y laziness. wrote it on my phone and stupid autocorrect took over.
  16. Same here, in fact my pm box is full (literally lol) of discussions we've had over the years. Really good guy, one of the best contributors in here....the guy is a legend...but he'd fall into this thing where someone would insult him or try to get into some pissing match and he'd report it, but then retaliate which would make him just as guilty as the guy who started it. I had to remind him, as I've done many others over the years, that if someone is attacking you in here, report it and just walk away. Whatever you do, don't retaliate because then whatever warning it banning the other one got, you were likely going to get it too. Or by getting into it you pretty much make it impossible to ding the instigator and not you too. So I'd just let it go.
  17. Accurate. And this wasn't the first time that had happened. I had dinged him for it a couple times myself over the years. (And dinged is an appropriate verbiage as a warning isn't a threat to ban unless it's said in the warning. A warning is typically just a suggestion to reign it in before it gets out of hand and things get ugly). But he also has a bunch of other stuff going on outside of here and just didn't want to deal with the negative poo in here (but when your team sucks, there's going to be a lot of negativity). Anyways, he still checks in. Wouldn't surprise me if he read this.
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