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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. Man you've got some weird gossip column type hot takes.
  2. This sucks. It's my bedtime. 5am is gonna be rough.
  3. Going to be hard for the 49ers D to lose this.
  4. I think this 2nd half has been really good. 49er defense has been the story of the game.
  5. We did him a favor. Same with McCaffery and Butker.
  6. Yeah I was just thinking the MVPs of the game are guys that we let go. Oof
  7. So funny how many of y'all care about that Swift Kelce thing.
  8. That was pretty brutal. I felt that in my recliner.
  9. I was surprised they were actually singing. When they had the hand mics they were really doing it. So hard to hear yourself anyways outside, even with in ear monitors at times...and with so much going on it's going to be hard for whoever is running the mix.
  10. I liked it. Loved Alicia Keys for years. Really like H.E.R. so that was a nice surprise.
  11. Wilks earning himself an HC job right now.
  12. Lol the only newspaper stands I ever see are empty. I only look at them when I'm pumping gas at a couple old gas stations around here abd I don't have anything else to do.
  13. Why do y'all do this kind of thing? You guys get off on misery? Fuggin sickos.
  14. This sounds like Dan and Dave seeing that what we had done resulted in poo. Tepper, Fitt, and Rhule serm like analytics kind of people who would trust that poo over knowing the game and trusting instincts. Analytics absolutely doesn't seem like something Dan would rely on to the degree that the panthers under fitt tried to and failed with. Just because Dan was here doesn't mean that all decisions and methods of making decisions the team made he was in board with. This is what happens when you see a need to change course and then work to correct it.
  15. Ummm...and people think this is a shock that we fired him? How the hell has he helped ANYTHING? Seems obvious that he should be fired if he was pivotal in what we've done since 2019.
  16. It shouldn't make me so fuggin sad.
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