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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. ​do we need anyone? tolbert is a multitool. good blocker. good receiver. good RB. where he excels is in short yardage situations. the guy is a flat out beast. we have a couple options that can be on the field at once for short yardage/goalline situations. you put him, cam, and 3 6'5 guys on the field and there's no reason you can't put that ball in the end zone. then you add an OL that can block and another roadgrading FB back there and and it's a TD waiting to happen.
  2. ​taking brockel's place. we need what this guy can bring. he won't be just an asset to the run game, he's also very good in pass pro. he's essentially a 6th guy on the OL. i hope he sticks. the guy is incredibly impressive at what he does and we need what he brings.
  3. ​i think that trio with olsen is going to be one of the more dominant receiving corps in the league for years. i can't wait to see them all in action.
  4. as long as we have ron deciding to be paddleboat ron instead of riverboat ron at points in the season and as long as we have shula running the offense, i'm going to be worried about coaching decisions. also, i don't know about the guy filling in for dehaven so that's a worry as well. i think, tho, that we have the personnel to overcome some poor decisions from the coaching staff. i do also believe that some coaching decisions can really handicap what is done on the field as in it doesn't matter who we have on the field if the guys in charge are preventing progress from taking place.
  5. ​wouldn't want him to be corrupted by bspn. but as far as a reliable source of info and solid analysis, i think i would say he had replaced david newton, but that would be under the misguided perception that newton had been one at one time.
  6. still don't know why anyone pays attention to david newton. good writer but doesn't know poo. dude is worse of a source of info than person.
  7. ​wondering tis myself. the biggest criticism that jeremy had was that hill never kept his eyes on the ball, they were always on his hands or where he wanted to go. is that something that improved?
  8. it won't be one reason. in no particular order and imo, cam being healthier and more mature (more savvy)OL not sucking and buying him some time and roomincreased no huddleaddition of the funch, KB with one year under his belt, return of ginn, better idea of what corey brown can do for you.cam getting to work with his receivers more than last year.RBs healthy and more able to do something becase of increased OL playdefense not taking a step backwardSTs not being a liabilityriverboat ron doesn't make his annual reverting to paddleboat ronthere's probably more, but that probably about covers it. everything going well helps cam out and makes him look better. if things don't go well for the team, its somehow going to be seen as cam's fault.
  9. brady...yes ben.....because of experience, yes. ben is very underrated, tho. flacco...in post season he's really good. luck....i dunno. luck = higher floor newton = higher ceiling. i have always thought that luck was someone that could go into any system and play at a high level. cam could play in any system, but he should be in one that is built around his skillset to get the most out of him (which is more than you could ever get with luck, imo). peyton of even 3 years ago....yes. peyton now? push and leaning towards nah. he's a lot smarter than cam (or pretty much any QB that has played the game), but he has diminished capabilities that negates the advantages his intellect might bring about. rivers...yeah, he's just good. another underrated QB like ben. wouldn't trade cam for him or anyone, tho. rodgers...yes romo....nah. very overrated and crumbles under pressure. brees...yes, but his size and devolving situation in new orleans along with increasing age is going to cause a decline in his production. i don't think he has many years left of relevancy. ryan...no way russell...nope. dude is the luckiest QB in the league. that won't last. eli....nope kap....bwhahahahahahahahahahaa NAH! stafford...leaning towards no. i like him, but he's as good as he's ever going to get. cam's still quite a ways away from peaking. palmer....nope. guy hasn't been the same since that fat steeler rolled on him and bent his knee backward. cutler....if he wasn't so emo, maybe, but i don't think he was ever as good as people made him out to be.
  10. if we're collecting nominees i throw this one into the mix
  11. i see some of the same things in the shows my daughter likes to watch that are considered kids shows. lots of over-the-top sass and disrespect. we've really started cutting back on what she's allowed to watch and trying to get her outside as much as possible. unfortunately i know that most of her friends at school have the same kind of attitudes and they are feeding off of each other....and she's only in 2nd grade. but then, at least as far as music goes, the 80's had a lot of shallowness to them coming out of the disco drenched late 70s. and then they moved to a lot of emo crap in the 90s because they mostly had parents that were self-absorbed and more interested in their careers and their happiness than their kids. when those kids became parents i think they may have inherited their parents self-absorbing tendencies, but tried to overcompensate by spoiling their kids and created the shallow and entitled kids we see today. i do think that there is a break in that and quite a few people are trying to go back to more what we might consider more traditional family settings or at least trying to get back to a simpler more family focused type of life. it's going to be hard because i think we've all gotten addicted to getting more and more stuff.
  12. i don't want box cam where he's pigeonholed into one category or another. that's small/narrowminded thinking. i want opportunistic cam who can kill it in the pocket or with his feet depending on what the defense is doing and where their strengths and weaknesses are. what i want least is flat cam. that OL needs to give him space and time and they need to get ther poo together before week one instead of spending the first few weeks getting it figured out.
  13. looking at that schedule i think we can realistically pull out 12 wins this year and i feel good about us not only winning the nfcs again (possibly sweeping the division), but i feel like we can make it to the nfccg. i also think our chances of getting into the superbowl are as good as any team out there, esp. in the nfc. i feel like we will likely go 5-1 in the division, 3-1 vs. afcs, 3-1 vs. nfce, and beat either the packers or the seahawks.
  14. you're giving that spiky haired punk waaaaayyyyy too much credit.
  15. grow a spleen, chrissy. grow a spleen.
  16. the guy just seems genuinely happy. i love that. seems like the kind of person you want to be around a lot because that kind of atttude is contagious.
  17. just remember to keep your cargo shorts always facing BoA.
  18. very real possibility. sounds like he can do everything brown can do but a lot faster.
  19. did you know that medillinheel writes for bleacher report? it's true: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/694994-carolina-panther-cam-newton-is-the-worst-nfl-draft-pick-ever?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=share&utm_campaign=web-des-art-top-171
  20. totally agreed. part of stabilizing that OL play is deciding early on, as in during OTAs, who the starters are going to be and letting them get a poo ton of reps with each other and with cam all during training camp so they can be gelling when the season starts instead of using the first few weeks for them to get used to each other. the good thing is we have the interior of that line set already.
  21. come to think of it, i can't think of a single position that i am worried about. i'm not even worried about OT. we've got something we didn't have last year...competition.
  22. it eventually did fine last year without him once they and the DTs realized he wasn't coming back and guys had to step up more. it will be the same story this year. everyone on that line knows that they have to step up and they will. i'm not at all worried about that front 7. i wish DE deeper, but what we have is still among the best DL in the league and the best front 7 in the whole NFL.
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