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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. i love this new feature, btw. VERRRY nice. incredible pics.
  2. they've got the wrong rhino in there. ward >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> brockel.
  3. all we need is for shula to adjust the scheme to fit the personnel. ugh.
  4. sorry, but i'm just too used to this happening as a panther fan. just when you think we are heading into a great season, poo like this happens. same old story.
  5. i know the above comment may be a joke, but ealy may prove to be a bigger headache than is needed on the team. would hate cutting such a high pick, but in the long term i wouldn't be upset.
  6. the WHOP ward house of pancakes. i don't care if he never touches the ball, we need that guy on the field knocking people on the ground. dude would be an incredible asset in pass pro and run blocking. i consider him a mobile 6th lineman.
  7. zod made one up a couple years ago. it was awesome. found it. it was archived. Crackerjack, Honey Dew, Boom - chicka - Pow! Tick Tack, Quarterback Cats say Meow! (put your hands in a claw like fashion above your head)
  8. people who make these comments aren't thinking about brockel. this isn't a case of ward vs. tolbert. this IS a case of ward vs. brockel (if there is a limit/quota on positions). i agree with this. considering the asset ward would be to not just the run game but protecting cam, i can see his value being greater than some of the more fringe depth players.
  9. i guess they improved a little, but i doubt it's enough to shift the balance in their favor against us. we improved quite a bit as well. we should still run the south.
  10. i have a friend that taught in Turkey for a couple years and went to a KFC there. he saw something called chicken sauce on the menu and the person behind the counter said you dip your chicken in it. they couldn't explain what it was but said that it was popular there and here in the states. he ordered it and found out that it was gravy. they don't have mashed potatoes there, but for some reason they had a lot of gravy and just used it to dip the chicken in. he said it was good, btw. i think it's still KFC and would be nasty regardless of where it was.
  11. dude need to be hit with a big suspension. put him on that exempt list, goodall.
  12. ​that year's draft was a nightmare. one of a few we had. hurney always did well with frst rounders, except when he traded them away like a moron. the rest of the draft picks.....ugh. so glad we've got gettleman now.
  13. i really hope they can find some way to keep ward on the roster. i really think he could help out with the run game and pass pro.
  14. ​oh poo this had me crying. laughing for a couple minutes then i catch my breath then it started all over again. i don't know how many times this conversation has happened beween me and my wife. i told her it's natural for me to feel like that. here's my proof.
  15. we get peanut. they get sherrod. seems we always get the better end of the switching off between us and them.
  16. the team needed some fire in their practices. glad to see this, tbh.
  17. ​no need for that. he's got just as much access and doesn't have to answer to corporate mental midgets. not sure how he or we would benefit from him getting employed by some newspaper. sure, his readership might see a little uptick, but it's growing just fine as it is and he gets 100% of the control.
  18. i like the list. i can see us going with just 5 on the 53 man roster and your top 5 being them. they just have to decide whether having a vet WR presence on the roster is worth losing one of the top 5 WRs or someone else on the roster. i know they can learn a lot from cotchery being on the field, but i think they'd learn enough as they go.
  19. ​it won't be long before he gets HC offers and i wouldn't be surprised if he takes one.
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