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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. thanks @Candler Cat copied and added to the OP.
  2. post the list and i'll add it to the OP
  3. Could be and I know that people will scoff at this very loose comparison, but it's kind of like The Golden Calf of Bristol (lol Teb0w). Great college QB whose game just didn't translate to the pros. Happens a lot, but doesn't always get caught in time.
  4. none of this matters because it does no good. nothing is going to change except y'alls blood pressure is just going to keep going up. it's just blind rage that will go no where and accomplish nothing.
  5. lol y'all need to stop with this selling the team poo. it ain't happening.
  6. lol i'm going to let this ride for a while.
  7. lebron is lewrong. it's absolutely 100% on bryce. and whatever work bryce was putting in, it wasn't enough. amp it up and ramp it up.
  8. was going to post that. and the one he should be mad at is himself. he made this necessary by playing poorly. you want to play in the big leagues? play like you belong there. earn your spot and prove your worth. got confidence in yourself? make everyone else confident in you. give everyone a reason to believe.
  9. yeah i do think that angle was overplayed. unfortunate that he said it, though, just because you know that people are going to blow it up out of proportion. i don't blame anyone between seasons for taking time off for themselves, though. better mentally if you do...especially after a year like last year. whatever he did to help recover, though...it didn't work. it didn't help him prepare mentally/emotionally for this year.
  10. i think it had more to do with stoicism that was engrained in him his whole life by his parents. whatever you do, control your emotions...keep them under check and don't let anyone see them. when you do show them, keep them measured. it does seem like he's someone whose whole life would have been about winning his parents approval.
  11. Sorry. When has this ever happened? and no, this isn't the worst team ever. This isn't the worst run for a football team ever. There's always been teams who stay at the bottom of the barrel for a long time. I see people say this like it's a possibility, but it's a pipe dream with no chance of it happening. Short of some major ethical or legal issues, the league isn't going to step in and make him sell.
  12. I think you're on to something here. David Carr even had a chance here. Sitting behind Jake for a year or two would have been great for him. The worst thing that could have happened to him happened when Jake got attacked by Tommy Jones. Carr was forced back into action way too early mentally. Bryce has several problems, one bring the stem of it all... him just being smaller and how this effects his view of the field, but also his view of himself. He lost his confidence with that first throw of the season and the rest of the game it all got in his head and he can't recover. I have possibly had double vision my whole life, but it wasn't until I went to a neurologist for a concussion a few years ago that I noticed it. The doc apparently noticed something with the way my eyes were tracking and he told me to look at a pencil he had in front of my face and asked me how many pencils I saw. I said 1 because it was obvious there was only one, but he said "not how. many is there, how many do you see?" And then it hit me and now I can't get it out of my head. I function, and do just fine, but often I will notice that I'm seeing double and I can't stop paying attention to it and it can lead to a headache. I think with Bryce, the reality that he's small and how that can be a struggle may not have ever really hit him until that moment. He's probably always been able to compensate in some way because that's just how he's had to live. But the noise and truth finally hit him and now he can't get it out of his head. Compensating I think came naturally to him, because he never really paid attention to it. But that INT and then that sack that had him thrown like a little rag doll really opened his eyes. What has been seen cannit be unseen.
  13. You expect a billionaire to own a mistake? Lol None of them ever do. They should never be trusted.
  14. It was the right move and I, too, am surprised they made it. The team is bigger than Bryce. (Of course there isn't much that isn't). But canales wasn't brought in just for Bryce. He was brought in to coach the Panthers. If Bruce is holding the team back, the team needs to move on. If bryce wants his spot back, he's got to fugin earn it back. Find that fight and get some confidence. But don't expect the teamm to wait for you. They've been waiting too long as it is.
  15. The excuses, spin, and smugness will be epic.
  16. At what point do you just let go? Why would you hang in there?
  17. Y'all have fun watching him. No way am I going to. I'm done. Wake me up when....if... it gets better.
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