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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. looking at that schedule i think we can realistically pull out 12 wins this year and i feel good about us not only winning the nfcs again (possibly sweeping the division), but i feel like we can make it to the nfccg. i also think our chances of getting into the superbowl are as good as any team out there, esp. in the nfc. i feel like we will likely go 5-1 in the division, 3-1 vs. afcs, 3-1 vs. nfce, and beat either the packers or the seahawks.
  2. you're giving that spiky haired punk waaaaayyyyy too much credit.
  3. grow a spleen, chrissy. grow a spleen.
  4. the guy just seems genuinely happy. i love that. seems like the kind of person you want to be around a lot because that kind of atttude is contagious.
  5. just remember to keep your cargo shorts always facing BoA.
  6. very real possibility. sounds like he can do everything brown can do but a lot faster.
  7. did you know that medillinheel writes for bleacher report? it's true: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/694994-carolina-panther-cam-newton-is-the-worst-nfl-draft-pick-ever?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=share&utm_campaign=web-des-art-top-171
  8. totally agreed. part of stabilizing that OL play is deciding early on, as in during OTAs, who the starters are going to be and letting them get a poo ton of reps with each other and with cam all during training camp so they can be gelling when the season starts instead of using the first few weeks for them to get used to each other. the good thing is we have the interior of that line set already.
  9. come to think of it, i can't think of a single position that i am worried about. i'm not even worried about OT. we've got something we didn't have last year...competition.
  10. it eventually did fine last year without him once they and the DTs realized he wasn't coming back and guys had to step up more. it will be the same story this year. everyone on that line knows that they have to step up and they will. i'm not at all worried about that front 7. i wish DE deeper, but what we have is still among the best DL in the league and the best front 7 in the whole NFL.
  11. i'm pissed because they always do it and they always get away with it with just a slap on the wrist. had this been another team, there would be someone banned for a year at least. and every time they do this, it's like reaggravating an old injury. just when you think you've gotten over it they do it again and remind you that the lombardi could have been ours.
  12. patriots cheat and get away with it. it's what they do and it's the only way that they can get their lombardis. what's amazing to me is the number of people in here siding with the patriots and either minimalizing what they did or defending them against the big bad nfl. they robbed us of a superbowl win by cheating and they cheated to get themselves back to another one. they've probably been doing this kind of thing for a long time just like they were doing the videotaping. i would be shocked if there weren't other ways they had been cheating. it's a culture thing there. win and do it in any way you can, whether it's within the rules or ethical or not. the thing that gets me is the number of people who will likely see that as an admirable trait.
  13. fwiw, i told someone we had our own twin peaks in carolina now.
  14. smash & dash? shake & bake? razzle & dazzle? double trouble? sorry...having a flashback.
  15. impressive. both guys got it, even while disagreeing.
  16. i think that this is the WR corps heading into the season. bersin will be a numbers casualty. boykin being a legit STs guy is what will help him get a spot over bersin.
  17. i don't care about him making the WR corps. the dude did what he was called on to do very well in that regard. it's that whole ST thing that i want him far away from. with ginn back, i don't think we have to worry there.
  18. probably a good idea. even aceboogie is more rational than you are being.
  19. you must be new to the falcon way of doing things. this is the team that hired a coaching staff before they hired a head coach. they are building their new stadium to resemble a sphincter and then name waste management as a primary sponsor. you can't make this poo up.
  20. oh no. he'll be facing us after missing 25 games? and just when is he allowed to work out with the team? i'm sorry, hardy is a threat....but after all that time off and with so limited amount to work with the team (i guess), i'm just not all that worried about him.
  21. i expect no less than 3 new threads with a 3rd four hours later and then another 2 days later wondering why there are no threads on it even though there are 2 others right there on the front page.
  22. just so you know, teams can (and are) skype with potential draft picks and it won't count as an official "meeting" with the prospect. just because we haven't called him in doesn't mean that we haven't been talking to him.
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