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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. His ability to scramble and keep a play alive reminds me of Cam. His gunslinging, or as you probably better put his gambling, reminds me of Jake. I think he's got a lot of potential that just needs to be channeled. I have every confidence that Rhule and Brady can help him reach that potential.
  2. Lol I'm in my 50s now. I don't care anymore.
  3. Used to love that candy bar... mainly to because of the commercials. Was my favorite as a little kid.
  4. What makes it funny is that he is basically just a bitter Teddy fan. That's at the root of all of it.
  5. If he is going to be judged against rookies of this draft, them he needs to be given the same leeway an actual rookie would. Expect mistakes early on, but also expect growth and steady improvement. You won't be able to see the finished product after 2 games anymore than you would any other kid his age. Give him the season and the benefit of the doubt. Let this staff work with him to help overcome what 3 years of the worst coaching in the league would have done to basically the youngest kid to start at QB in week 1 ever. He's sure to have issues and bad habits/mindsets to overcome as a result of what happened with the jets, but he's also young and smart enough to have those things coached out throughout the season. Mistakes will be made, that's guaranteed. The real test is will he be repeating those mistakes or will he be learning from them and correcting them? Some issues you don't know exist until you see them happen. It's those moments that real growth can happen as you identify what the real problem is in real time and address it. That's what I want to see. I want to see if the mistakes he makes early on are improved as the season goes on. It may be painful, but any kind of growth can be. Have some faith and let it happen. If, at the end of the season, he is still mistake prone and looks like garbage, then congrats to all of you guys who "know" he's garbage. You've got a gold star...just kidding, you get nothing. Meanwhile the team will move on and then find another QB to put into what will have become an even more ideal situation to succeed in. But if he gets better and helps us start winning games then we've found ourselves a QB and we all win.
  6. I'd prefer he was someone else's head case (tho, tbh, I'd rather he not be anywhere near the NFCS).
  7. It's probably different since we didn't draft him. No idea how all that works, tbh.
  8. Yeah, that bridgewater contract was ridiculous...but then hurney was involved.
  9. Yes. Whether Darnold works out or not, we have a foundation laid for a successful team. I also totally believe that it won't take more than one season to figure out if Darnold is the guy, just like it didn't take more than one season to figure out that Teddy wasn't the guy. The biggest mistake with Teddy was the contract we have him, but we have to also remember who was GM at the time. The good thing is that this regime knew when to cut bait and move on to the next one and I have no reason to doubt their ability to move on to the next QB if Darnold isn't the guy. In the meantime, we'll just keep building a better foundation for our franchise QB to get plugged into.
  10. Yes. There are no guarantees (which is what people want), but the truth is that there are no guarantees with anything involved in football. There are no guaranteed results in any personnel or coaching regime, GM, scheme... nothing. It's all a calculated risk (which people also don't want to hear). That said, I think we are set up nicely for success.
  11. I think it's pretty clear that most people with any kind of real knowledge of the situation believe that it's much more likely the situation and especially the coaching that failed Darnold rather than Darnold, himself being the failure. Most of these people also believe that he can still be who he was believed to be when he was drafted and that all he needs is to have better coaching and personnel around him and a system that fits him. I personally think that we have the ideal situation for him and absolutely the best coaching staff you could ask for in helping a young guy willing to do the work reach his potential.
  12. Very balanced and reasonable take on this. We've got a pretty cheap option for a franchise QB. We're rebuilding the team for 'a' franchise QB. If it's not Darnold, then we'll be in better position for the next try. With Darnold, we're getting a still very young QB that we don't have to commit the next 4 years to like we would if we had drafted him in the first round. Plus we got the legit haul we got in the draft. I think we are set up nicely for the future either way.
  13. Lol gotcha. Hard to tell around here anymore. Did a little edit for you.
  14. The only way the saints were able to be relevant for the last decade or so is because of a QB that is no longer playing. It had nothing to do with their "brilliance".
  15. Burris or FA. Probably just Burris, tho. and we will be fine.
  16. I think we win the division.
  17. There will be others to come. More legends in the making.
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