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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. i have to admit to being a bit pissed off by all this. could you imagine what it would have been like if Cam had had access to all this a few years ago? when he was still young and in his developmental phase? continuity ftl. we should have moved on from hurney, rivera, and esp. shula long ago...and not gone after some relic like turner.
  2. 2 parts involved in overcoming. 1) mindset of the person trying to overcome (am i broken or am i growing?) 2) your environment (the people you are surrounded by and the people in your ear) i think Sammy has it good on both of those. People who have been watching him and talking to him talk about just how resilient and positive he is. He also has the best coaching he could have asked for in coming from that dumpster fire in New York/Jersey.
  3. and i know it may seem like it, but brady is not immortal.
  4. the question is, how long are they going to be able to keep that aging band together and just how effective will they be as time goes on?
  5. personally, i hope that the bucs do everything exactly the same this year. easier to figure out and stop.
  6. great example! i don't have a problem with continuity, though I'm more a fan of adaptation and evolution and continually trying to get better. if you're doing something right, keep doing it until it doesn't work anymore. if it's not working out so great, though....move on. in that context, continuity is overrated.
  7. how many QBs followed in Brady's shoes over the years and became a dominant force themselves?
  8. and continuity can allow a bad OL to continue being bad. Continuity can be a good thing. it can also be a bad thing. it depends on the context and what you are trying to continue. hurney and JR thrived on continuity....and that got us stuck. Tampa is going to depend on their ability to continue doing next year what they did last year. they found a formula that works. We rarely found something that worked...and when we did we either shot ourselves in the foot and dismantled everything (2014 vs 2015) or kept trying to do the the same thing over and over because it worked once upon a time even though it had ceased working (the whole fox era). typically our continuity resulted in a continuation of mediocrity.
  9. hurney and rivera bragged about having 20 of 22 starters returning. that's continuity. what was the problem? half of them shouldn't have been starting. continuity can be good, but it can also be bad if what you are trying to continue is ineffective or mediocre.
  10. not with all of them, and its not a great excuse. but it sure was true for me. i grew out of the young part. the dumb.... i'm still a work in progress.
  11. Of all pegs to hang your hat on, you pick this one....TB. I guess everyone needs a fan. Go get 'em, tiger. Have fun on the bronco boards.
  12. I don't know that I'm a Ibe-liever yet, but I'm hopeful. Thanks for pointing this out. You might be onto something. I hope you are.
  13. We worried about this Pitts pick, but then we got Horn. Fear = gone. Put either Chinn or horn on him, then that particular threat is neutralized. I mean they still have a couple other 'ok' WRs, but they had them before and they still picked 4th.
  14. Good enough to deal with any big WR he faces. Good enough that QBs will test him for a short period of time them will avoid throwing his way which will result in low stats for him. Good enough to quickly be the best CB we ever had and in the next couple years the best in the division.
  15. the reason i'm excited about tremble is that he is a pancake waiting to happen. but yes, arnold is an underrated receiving option. i think between these two guys TE is going to be a strength.
  16. teams are right. could be legit. last game would be @HST though. would be weird to not finish against NFCS, but it could happen. FUTURE CAROLINA PANTHERS OPPONENTS 2021 Home Atlanta Falcons New Orleans Saints Tampa Bay Buccaneers Philadelphia Eagles New England Patriots New York Jets Minnesota Vikings Washington Football Team Away Arizona Cardinals Atlanta Falcons Buffalo Bills Dallas Cowboys Miami Dolphins New Orleans Saints New York Giants Tampa Bay Buccaneers Houston Texans
  17. I hate that for them. Really rough moment for their family.
  18. We win the division. Sammy gets 30+ TDs with less than 15 Ints and 4000+ yards. 3 players get 1k receiving yards (or close to it). Defense is top 5. Matt Rhule = coach of the year.
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