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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. I'm not sure what anyone is arguing, but I'm of the opinion on we don't get to call ourselves a young franchise anymore. Younger than most others, yes. Young, no. We have had several different iterations and culture changes over the past few decades.We have not been a successful organization. More successful than some others, but not what I would call successful. We have not ever had two consecutive winning seasons. We have had 7 winning seasons in 27 years. Sorry, that's not success and if you consider that successful, you need to check your metrics and raise your standards. We have a chance for a new start with a very young team and hopefully this is when we get it right. I feel like it could be. But we have earned every bit of disrespect we receive. Based on our past and our (lack of) accomplishments, there is very little evidence that we can get it right, despite the new start. A new start matters only for us. In the eyes of everyone else, we're still the same old panthers. The burden of proof is on the panther's shoulders to prove we are not that team anymore.
  2. Yeah...not Lou Reed, but it spoke to me.
  3. Well that's interesting. Would be sweet if it works.
  4. Offense averages 25+ points a game and defense holds them to 20 or less. Defense forces turnovers and 3&outs giving the offense consistently good field position that the offense takes advantage of it. We get to the red zone and are able to actually convert.
  5. Guy doesn't sugar coat poo and he's hilarious to listen to. I'm excited about it and I think it's also a good omen.
  6. In many teams and systems, especially currently, there is very little difference between the two. Job responsibilities, expectations, and assignments all remain the same. The rise of the spread offense is the main reason for this. Both safeties have to be good in coverage and both have to be able to tackle the RB. Even in our defenses best years going back a 10-15 years or more, there was no difference in job responsibilities. You weren't a FS or a SS, you were just a safety. And that's the way it is for a lot of teams going back into college. Many teams at the college level don't mess around with the designation. I mean they might assign one to the right side of the field and the other to the left, but it's got nothing to do with one guys job description being different than the others. Ask the college game goes, so goes the pro game.... eventually.
  7. Sounds about right. These guys are going to have to get used to a lot of different jobs that fall outside the traditional roles for whatever position they are assigned, depending on situation. Aside from the CBs (you've got 1 job), they better be ready for anything at any moment. I love that. And I love that (if things go as they should) you won't be able to tell anything from their formation or where the guys are lined up. Base 4-3, but once that whistle blows it's anybody's guess
  8. Don't worry about the whole FS thing. He's a safety. That's all that matters. There's no real difference between the two.
  9. As has been said in this thread and quite a bit before....don't get too hung up on FS vs SS. There's few differentiations between the two and responsibilities are pretty much the same.
  10. it was the jets, though, and his coach was adam gase. not exactly the best situation to se what a QB has or doesn't have going on. coaches seem to think he has it.
  11. Robby didn't even know who Sir Purr was. It's quite likely he doesn't know the history. Why would he? He wasn't here. It's not his history so why would or should he care?
  12. Not sure what else he can do to fix what wasn't working. Seems like he's hitting it from all angles. Hope he hits it from all angles during the season.
  13. Not a fan of Talib, but it was a really good interview and he did a good job of getting Robby to open up about a lot of stuff. Seems like Robby is here and feels good about what the team is doing. He feels like he owes a lot to Rhule for giving him a chance when no one else would. I think he stays this year, but he's playing for a contract somewhere.
  14. Just so you're on the same page with the answer.
  15. There is competition between Grier and PJ, but there is "competition" between all 3 QBs. The reality is, Sam is the starter. He's the guy. It's not really a question and its not up for debate. The other two QBs are in a race for 2nd place.
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