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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. I don't know...lots of players didn't stick til they were 29. Not unusual for someone to not last that long, plus I haven't heard anything about him in years.
  2. Ok. I got bored with him. He's gone. I mean he'll be back of course because they all come back, but for now the tick has been removed from the huddles ass.
  3. Making more progress than this offense has in a month.
  4. Lol you're going to have to look in the mirror and talk to a therapist for that one. Can't help you find yourself.
  5. Lol hes not getting fired. He'll quit before that happens. And that ain't happening either. We're stuck. Get used to it.
  6. No. It's someone else far less memorable with a few alts that keep getting banned.
  7. Cam isn't CAM anymore. He's just a guy that wears interesting clothes and gets his dad to interview him
  8. I started off the season more excited than I had been since 2015. Right now...
  9. I felt like it was a conversation with my 6 year old nephew trying to explain why he keeps getting gum stuck in his hair.
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